I have a lot of projects that I wrapped up recently, and finally got a bunch of finished items cataloged. As a reminder, my next live sale will be held on Black Friday, which is November 26th, and will be semi-live like the last one.
Thursday, September 30, 2021
I have a lot of projects that I wrapped up recently, and finally got a bunch of finished items cataloged. As a reminder, my next live sale will be held on Black Friday, which is November 26th, and will be semi-live like the last one.
Wednesday, September 29, 2021
All About Cats

Since kitties love feather toys, the sets will also include one of those. You have to keep those kitties active and happy!
Another new item I asked Kari to make were the small double food bowls. I love them! They will come with a bag partially filled with "cat food"
All of the sets also come with a cute little catnip mouse/rat. Clearly, these make kitties very happy.
I hope these sets are what people were hoping for. Thinking of things to put in them, that don't make them overly complex (which leads to needing to price them very high or loses me money from the amount of time they take) is a delicate balance. I think these came out well. My kitties seem to like them. I hope you all will too.
Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Letters Home-Furniture Building Part 2

I am having such a great time and I can't wait to tell you more about my visit. I will write again soon!
Monday, September 27, 2021
Learning New Things
I have been making miniatures in one form or another since I was very little. I have often remade old things in new materials, sometimes with really excellent results. Sometimes trying a new technique works out, and sometimes it's another thing to add to the list of things that didn't work. But when something does work it's pretty awesome. And looking at the world in a different way than normal (like a hole punch being the size of a miniature watch face) can often make the difference.
Sunday, September 26, 2021
Letters Home- Furniture Building
Hi Mom!
I've been busy visiting since my last note. The stables here at Priam are hopping with activity constantly, and people are always coming and going. Today Emmie came and asked me if I wanted to learn how to upholster a chair.
I learned that it is not as easy as it appears, especially when there are cats involved!! We spent time cutting out fabric to cover the chair with. This is easier done on the floor as so much fabric is required. The cats seem to think its playtime, and we can't help but laugh. I think we will finish off a chair tomorrow, though! I will write more soon!Love,
Little Elecktra
Saturday, September 25, 2021
Life Lessons
Friday, September 24, 2021
The Lies I Tell Myself

Thursday, September 23, 2021
Moving On
Wednesday, September 22, 2021
Tiny Toys
Shipping (Miniatures Club Update)
Tuesday, September 21, 2021
The Miniatures Club
It is entirely possible that sometime in the future I might add another level or other bonuses randomly. But for now I will start with this. If you are interested in joining my miniatures club, or just supporting my blogging, here is a link to my ko-fi. And did I mentioned Jennifer is opening up her blog to subscribers? That is absolutely worth the $5 a month!
Monday, September 20, 2021
Miniature Food
Sunday, September 19, 2021
Letters Home- Canada
Little Elecktra
Saturday, September 18, 2021
More Progress
Entries and uploading are open for the Field of Dolls Online Fall show. The entry form is here https://forms.gle/tzN7x7WfRRUvtxma7 The most up to date show information will be posted first on the Field of Dolls Online Facebook page. If you are not a member you can find the page here https://www.facebook.com/groups/1465159400351471.
Friday, September 17, 2021
Field of Dolls Online Fall Show Details
Field of Dolls Online Fall Show
Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1465159400351471
OMHPS Site: https://www.omhps.com/
Entry Form: https://forms.gle/jpKbqdd2G52XMEPw8
Entry opens: September 18, 2021
Entries and uploading close: October
2, 2021
Judging begins: October 3, 2021
Results: October 17th championship
results, special prizes and door prize drawings will be live streamed and full
results available on the Field of Dolls Studio Blog, as well as on the Field of
Dolls Online Show page on Facebook
Judges: Anne Field and
Jennifer Buxton
Entry fee: $30 (Paypal link is in
the entry form. Please click send and keep it set on goods and service.)
This show will be held on OMHPS. You will need an account with
OMHPS. It is quick and easy to create one. Once you have entered the show your
OMHPS user name so you can be added to the show. Please allow 24 hours for me
to see your entry and to add you.
This show has 3 types of classes. A traditional performance class
list, a specialty/creative entry class list, and halter classes. The performance
classes will be all finishes combined (because a good performance entry is a
good performance entry). The traditional performance classes will be single
judged on real horse show rules. The specialty/scene classes will be double
judged on concept and execution. Concept includes interpretation of the theme
and overall creativity. Execution includes correctness of the entry and photo
quality. The halter classes will be judged by breed type and breed standards.
Halter classes will have OF and CM/AR separate.
For the specialty/scene classes there are 2 on the OMHPS site for
each class. You need to put each of your entries in both so they can be judged
twice (for example enter Arenas and Barns and Arenas and Barns #2)
Champs, Reserves and winners of the specialty/scene classes will
be featured on the Field of Dolls Studio blog.
Prizes: Miniatures for 1st-6th
place in each regular class. Miniature rosettes for 1st-6th place in each
specialty class. For halter miniature rosettes for 1st-3rd
with miniatures for 4th-6th
Champions: We are stepping away
from the traditional way of doing champs for this show. Instead of the HORSE
that has the most points it will be the SHOWER who has the most points. They
will be calculated for every placing in every class in the show. We will name
an overall champion, overall reserve champion and an additional top 5. Top
prizes will get mini rosettes and a prize pack. Realistic backgrounds are not
required. But the background should not be distracting. No class limits. Showers
may enter as many pictures as they'd like, but individual models can only have
one picture per class.
Other Prizes: We will have a special
rosette for the spirit award. The winner will be determined by a combination of
interaction with the group, clever photos, and overall awesomeness. There will
also be multiple door prizes, the potential for other prizes, and every entrant
will receive some fun prizes for entering!
All entries should include a model horse except for the Other
Animals class.
Please include a link to any documentation. Imgur and Google Docs
work well, though a direct link to any external documentation is fine.
Class list
Performance (All finishes show together)
1. Pleasure and fine harness
2. Other harness
3. In-hand (lead-line, in-hand trail, lunging, etc)
4. Showmanship
5. Other Performance (no English or Western)
6. Native American Regalia
7. Arabian
8. Parade
9. Other costume
10. Roping
11. Other Stock work
12. Patterned Western (reining, Western Dressage, etc.)
13. Western Trail
14. Western Games
15. Other Western
16. Western Pleasure
17. Hunter
18. Jumper
19. Cross country
20. Dressage
21. English Games
22. English Trail
23. Other English
24. Hunt seat pleasure
Specialty/Scene (double judged)
25. Arenas and Barns
26. Epic Performance
27. It’s in the blog
28. PINK!
29. Trading Places
30. Wrong on so many levels
31. What scale?
32. Other (model) Animals (no horse required)
Halter (OF and AR/CM separate)
33 Stock
34 Light
35 Gaited
36 Draft / Cob
37 Pony / Miniature
38 Spanish / Iberian
39 Sport / Carriage
40 Longear / Exotic
41 Foals of all breed types
42 Fantasy / Decorator
Thursday, September 16, 2021
Prototypes and Progress
Here's another view of the little mouse. All of the ears were hand cut circles (it's so hard to cut things that small) and are not really identical. But handmade items can have character. And kitties can chew things and make them less than perfect. Cats do that sometimes, don't they? I have never actually had a cat so I don't know what they do with their toys. Other than hide them under the couch.
I also finished up a bunch more cat beds. My plan is to have 8 cat sets at the next sale. I have the 8 mice finished, the 8 beds, and I have 8 cat dishes and litter boxes ordered. I need to make feather toys, cat food bags (with food) and I think that is it for them. At least for now. There are, again, a lot of pieces to the sets. I am vaguely considering selling the cat and dog beds singly, a few of them, but I am not even sure how to price anything individually. I know I am likely not charging enough for the sets to compensate for my time as it is. So who knows. I'll keep thinking on it.
School was not bad yesterday. I decided I am going to have a positive attitude. The only thing I have control over is myself. Not what students I work with, my schedule, or any attitudes outside of my own. So lets see how this goes. Happy Friday everyone!
Wednesday, September 15, 2021