There was a box of stickers in the teacher's lunchroom at school. I found several I liked, but I didn't actually want to stickers, so I took photos and posted them on Facebook. This one is by far my favorite of the ones I grabbed. I even like the colors.
Let's see, there have been a lot of things going on lately. I am on vacation from school, which means that I should have more time in the day. Doesn't it? It's not true though, I do not seem to have any extra time. In fact, I have gotten less work done since I have been off than when I am at school. There is definitely some truth to "busy people get things done". But I am also really tired. I am not dealing super well with my seasonal depression this week and have spent a lot of good quality time with my couch. But I have read an entire book (and it was not a picture book) and watched a variety of movies I have not seen before. I don't celebrate Christmas but I do actually like Christmas movies. So here is a list of the new ones I watched:
Carry-On, which is on Netflix and was called the new Die Hard by some reviewer.
That Christmas, also on Netflix. We watched it in school with the kids and I showed it to Travis and he liked it too.
8 Bit Christmas, I can't remember where I watched that one.
Spirited. I also don't remember where that was, but if you like musicals, watch it.
Red One, it's free on Prime and may be my new favorite Christmas movie! I really like the way the storyline tackled some of the trickier aspects of the Santa Claus legends (how DOES he get to every house in the world in one night???)
Travis also met Santa and Mrs. Claus. These are a couple of my neighbors and they wanted to put together a park-wide party. We went just to say hello. Not a lot of people were there, but it was cool anyway.
I was hanging out with my dog friend the other day, while spending quality time with the couch, and he was being a cat. He likes to climb up on the back of the couch to hang out and sleep. Before he was "attacking me" like he is in this photo he was judging me. Maybe because I was not up on the back of the couch.
My replacement pink zebra arrived from Paint Pony Studio. I still wish I knew where USPS had throw the first one. It really is a mystery to me how packages just disappear. And the postal service really doesn't even care if you get your mail or not.
We had a board meeting tonight and one of the members brought these notebooks for everyone on the board. It was timely because I needed to make a bunch of notes of things I needed to send to one of the lawyers and I didn't want to put them in the minutes I was typing. Plus I like the message. I believe we can buy the park, so we will (and the other people that are fighting for this believe it too). I also believe I will go to Breyerfest again next year.

So those are my updates. And knowing how little time I seem to have for anything, even though I am not at school, I can say this will likely be the last post I do before the new year. Unless I get my act together and do a year end doll in review. I don't know if I can handle that though, so Happy New Year!