Wednesday, February 13, 2013

editing the MEPSA champ show book

For people that show with MEPSA or at least are part of the MEPSA yahoo group and read posts you probably know that last year I was the editor of the champ show book. I didn't have to make up absolutely everything as I had 3 previous books to comb through for ideas. But I didn't want to make the book just like the others. So the first thing I switched up was the cover
I really like the color red and this dressage ring photo was horse related but completely different from any of the previous covers of the champ show book. The photo dictated the font colors and I think the final result was interesting to look at as well as easy to read. Honestly, just about the hardest part of a layout like this is making sure everything is easy to read. When I found out I could change the name of the book to anything I wanted I made up a new one. I like it.
   The next layout challenge was the back cover. Of the three previous champ show books I have one back cover was blank, one had an explanation of what MEPSA is (I think...) and the other had a nice photo of some of the prizes. So I had to come up with something interesting for the back cover but again, I didn't want to just copy what had already been done. My good friend Joan Yount had written a funny poem about the hobby. She said maybe I could find a spot in the book for it. Well it seemed like the perfect thing to put on the back cover. Here is the poem since I don't think the photo is clear enough to read it:

Poem by Joan Yount

My Name is (fill it in) and I am a Model Horse Addict…

We’re united by a habit that stems from childhood days
For those of us who by no choice succumb to horsey ways.
It may have started with a Hartland, or some other nameless plastic
And grew by leaps to customs that are simple, major, drastic.
Some money may be spent for sure that’s saved for bills like cable,
But we go to MH$P and buy what we are able!
Plastics call, resins beckon, be they unpainted or painted -
Those of us who can resist to buy them should be sainted!
Who’s to say where it starts, but we all know where it leads us -
We’re addicted to an equine habit that so sustains and feeds us.
With horses real or not so real, these models fill our stables
And pastures, shelves, nooks and corners, desks and kitchen tables.
Some eat real hay, you can ride them, others collect some dust,
But the sight of something with 4 hooves drives us to buy or bust.
So girls, why fight it, it’s not so bad, let’s buy to our heart’s content -
For deep inside, we all know, horses are Heaven sent!
So the poem went on the back of the book and then I thought, why not get more MEPSA people involved? So I started posting asking for photos of everyone's collection. Or at least a portion of the collection. Those photos all went on the back of the book as a nice (and fitting) frame for Joan's model horse obsession poem. And it was fun.
This year I volunteered to edit the champ show book again. I have some of the same dilemma as I don't want it to be just the same as last year. But it is easier this year as well. I already have a good idea of what will fit and how to stuff things in so they still look good, are easy to read and I can get more in. I have a completely different cover design worked out (but I won't share it because it's a surprise!). I have started working on the inside of the book. Or at least what I can work on before the articles arrive. Once those get here I will have lots to keep me occupied and lots of fun things to do with the 2013 MEPSA champ show book. I again have no idea what to do for the back cover. So I am open to suggestions. Even multiple suggestions. What would make a nice back cover? A photo? Another poem? Maybe a short story or some original art (not from me, I really can't draw that well)? Any and all ideas are welcome.

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