Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Superior event horse

My son, Travis, took therapeutic riding lessons for many years.

 He really enjoyed the horses and was a very good rider.
 He loved "his" horses.
 My therapeutic riding set-up was very important to me because it represented Travis's riding. The doll I used was my "Travis" doll and the documentation was photos of Travis riding as well as the trail pattern they used in one of the shows he rode in. I love performance showing but really my therapeutic riding scene was always the most important to me. Lady Intrigue is my therapy horse. She's a Breyer side saddle Strapless and she has been shown and shown and shown. I started doing the therapeutic riding set-up about 5 years ago and finally all of that hard work has paid off.
 This morning Lady's superior event horse award arrived on my doorstep.
Poor beat-up Lady Intrigue can finally retire from showing. She has been to many many shows and fallen off many many tables. She worked hard as a therapy horse and did well in many other classes as well. Now she has earned a quiet retirement up on the shelf. Now I need a new superior event horse goal. Maybe Lady Liberty will try for superior event in showmanship. That class is pretty important to me as well.


  1. congrats on such a cool award, you should be very proud!

  2. Yay! Congratulations! There is something to be said for the seasoned campaigner!

  3. Thanks guys! I enjoyed working towards the award. I have a horse that earned a performance versatility award in just two shows, I didn't bother to get a trophy for that. It just didn't seem as impressive.
