Thursday, November 7, 2013

TRXC halter day

I am not a halter shower. Anyone that knows me knows I am not a halter shower. I don't have fancy horses, my horses have a lot of accidents so I try not to have things that are too valuable. I care almost nothing about breed assignment. I am not a halter shower. But TRXC is a fun show and staying an extra day to sell dolls and hang out with hobby friends is worth it. Even though I might not win anything or even remember to put my horses on the table. Surprisingly though my horses did pretty well.
 Jazira got second in breed in the open show. She often does very well in breed. I joked after everyone put their horses on the table that I should get a prize for having the smallest horse on the table. Then I joked that I DID get a prize for the smallest horse. I don't have a very large collection of minis but the ones I have are very carefully chosen.
 McQueen added to his medals for the weekend by getting a top 5 in workmanship. I have no idea who painted him but he is very pretty and I love him.
 Bootlegger doesn't get much love in halter but he did get 3rd in workmanship. I think that's the best he ever does. He's still an awesome performance horse though and that's what matters.
 Halestorm is my new (to me) custom Stone pony. She got second in her breed class...
 ...and then a top 5 in the pony stakes. I was very impressed with her. She is doing better in halter than in performance. Yes, I will be fixing that shortly :)
 Then there is Pacific Redeemer. P.R. was named after my son's favorite horse at the therapeutic riding barn. P.R. is actually a very old horse so I thought it would be fun to have Meghann Hoscheid (Lorei) paint my Little Man Mango (sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn) as P.R as a baby. It amuses me. P.R. got first in his breed class and I got to show Morgen because she had come up to judge at the show.
Then P.R. got champion in the foals workmanship stakes and I was thrilled! Partly because of who the horse was named for but also thrilled for Meghann. She is a fantastic artist and I don't think she gets the recognition she deserves. Though I do believe it's coming.
   So that was my TRXC experience this year. I did very well and I'm very grateful to all the artists who contributed pieces of my performance entries or paint work or the sculptures. I love this hobby and I love all the talent in it. I'm not a halter shower but I had a really good halter showing day. I think next year I will judge.

1 comment:

  1. I am a huge fan of Morgen's work and hope to be able to afford a portrait model of Mojo jumping :) Although I do admit that she is one artist that I really only came across as a sculpture early this year(?)
