Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year! 2014 doll year in review

I have had a busy dolling year this year! I went through my books to see just how many of each type of doll I made and here is what I came up with:

  36 western pleasure
20 hunt seat ladies
 17 specialty 
 14 cowboys
 10 casual western
10 youth dolls that aren't hunt seat
9 saddle seat
7 western side saddle
8 youth hunt seat
5 upper level dressage
4 cross country
3 casual English
2 male hunt seat
1 side saddle
1 showmanship

for a total of 145 dolls finished this year
This year I hit 2 dolling milestones with my 700th doll in April

and my 800th doll just a couple of weeks ago.

Which leads me to believe if I work extra hard this year I might be able to hit 1000 dolls! But I don't know if that is likely to happen. One of my new goals for this year is to work on more miniature food items and keep up with my etsy store. I really have been having a great time sculpting the miniature food.

I guess we will see what this year brings. I know for sure there will be lots of dolls and tiny food. Happy New Year!

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of dolls! But I'm not too surprised since all of the times I've ordered dolls from you, I'm always impressed with your quick turnaround time! :)

    Happy New Year!
