Monday, April 27, 2015

QVPO 2015 part 1

 Yesterday I posted about The Plan and my adventure with proxy showing performance. Today I will talk about my horses and how they did at the show. My day got off to a bit of a rough start. I showed Bootlegger in a working cowhorse entry and the judge pointed out my bridle was illegal. Crap, it had done well with that bridle before but I am pretty sure she's correct. I also think I KNEW that and forgot. So no placing at all. My second class with Bootlegger was a team penning entry and my breast collar hook had come undone. No placing again. At this point I was getting nervous. Was this how the day was going to go? I needed to up my game and do well with Fabian's horse at the very least.
   My third class was also with Bootlegger and I switched his tack to this saddle by an unknown (to me) tack maker, a bridle by Danielle Hart and a doll by me. I paid super careful attention to every detail because I needed to have a better day. My attention paid off and Bootlegger got his first placing and it was a great one!

The fourth class of the day was Extreme Cowboy. I have done an extreme cowboy event before, usually with my Matriarch Flash in the Sky, but she didn't come to the show this time so I showed Hurricane Deck in the same event. His tack is by Pam Perkins and his crazy bendy doll (made specifically for this event) and the props were made by me. This entry usually does pretty well and I was not disappointed with our third place.
Bootlegger also showed in this class. I needed an event that would be interesting and good for a loping horse. I decided to make a cowboy curtain. Apparently you get more points for loping through that obstacle without hesitation on a loose rein. Perfect!The judge liked it as well and since I didn't screw anything up on the tack we got first place! I have no idea who made the awesome saddle. The bridle was made by Sara Kucharski and the doll was made by me.
 Bootlegger went back (or stayed up) for the callbacks and ended up with champion in the stockhorse division! The day was certainly looking up!
Next was the Western division and my first class was natural trail. Phazes of Godiva was the only horse I showed in this one. Her tack is by Pam Perkins, the saddle pad and saddle bags (which are super awesome and I want more) are by Desktop Stables and the doll and diorama are by me. I was very pleased with second place.
The next class was arena trail and the first truly terrifying class of the day. I had 2 entries for myself plus Fabian's entry. At that moment I was VERY glad that the usual showing limit is 2 entries per class. But I wasn't rushed and started setting things up as soon as I got the go ahead and didn't feel too frazzled. A little frazzled, but not too much. I didn't get a photo of Phazed of Godiva and her gate entry but there is one taken by Brenda Bednar on Jennifer Buxton's blog. Maybe the reason for not placing was the doll really WAS reading the bulletin board. Not sure on that one. Fabian's entry didn't pin either. To my shock Mocha Latte got 1st! Holy cow, how did I manage that? The saddle on Mocha is by Pam Perkins, the bridle is by Danielle Hart, the doll, some of the poles and the flowers are by me. The other (nicer) poles are done by Joan Fauteux. I did actually fiddle with this entry for several minutes to make sure everything seemed to be in the right place. I am enjoying the results of careful attention to detail.
The next class was western games. Phazes of Godiva (still wearing her Perkins tack and pad by Desktop Stables) with a new doll by me (which I made to go with the saddle pad. I have never done that before on purpose) did very well doing the 2 barrels and a pole game. I really think the reference, both photos and description, from Jennifer's blog are what helps this entry do so well. You can't be disappointed with first place.
 Mocah Latte did a flag race entry and got 3rd place. I was pleased with that. This entry was a last minute idea. Originally I had planned a mounted shooting entry. The night before the show I even made the gun holsters I didn't have, Elecktra and I lost one of the guns and did a very frantic search for it. We did find it but then on show day I realized the doll was dressed much too fancy to do mounted shooting. I didn't want to switch to different tack for one class so I did this instead. It worked out pretty well.
 Fabian's entry got an honors ribbon. QVPO only places to 6th, the classes were huge so I took that as an accomplishment. I was starting to get nervous though since I was running out of western classes.
   Next was an easier class; other western. It was easier because I had only two entries and neither one was fiddly to set up. For Fabian I did a western riding set-up and it received 4th place. Mocha Latte did a versatility challenge. That only needs the already dressed horse and an extra doll holding English tack (or western tack if the horse is wearing English tack) and the documentation. I like this entry because the photos I used for reference were taken by me at a show a few years back. Sometimes this entry does really really well. This time it was worth 5th place.
The next class was western pleasure stock type.I put Bootlegger in though he doesn't seem to do well in pleasure and he got 4th place. Just the fact that he placed makes me pretty happy.
Mocha Latte also showed and she managed 2nd place!What a good horse!
The next class was western pleasure- other type and was a bit scary since it was my last chance to get a western NAN card for Fabian. I showed Phazes of Godiva and she didn't place at all but Fabian's horse got second and the needed NAN card! I was so happy!
   Phazes of Godiva, King of Sarrow (Fabian's horse) and Mocha Latte all went to the callbacks. Mocha Latte ended up with reserve champion! 
The next division was the Other Performance division. I showed Hurricane Deck in showmanship with a halter I made and the dolls are also by me. He got third place. I think I am slipping, I am usually really good at showmanship. Still, I was happy to see how many entries were in the class.
The next class was the Scene class. Hurricane Deck was in my fun picnic at the horse show scene. I wish I had taken more photos. I added a whole bunch of recycling to the bin and there is a new Iphone and Ipod on the table. Before the class the judge teased that she was bothered by the electronics on the table while everyone was eating. I pointed out that no one was using any of them. This entry was good for second place.
Hurricane Deck ended up with champion in the other performance division. 
So the day started out rough and I had a few crazy moments but mostly I didn't freak out at all and managed to do really well. 

Oh, I meant to add sculptor/painter credits:
Bootlegger- Rose Reiner sculpted by Sarah Rose and painted by Meghann Lorei
Hurricane Deck- Bold Endeavor resin (can't remember who sculpted him) painted by Mindy Berg
Phazes of Godiva- Godiva resin sculpted by Morgen Kilbourn and painted by Liesl Dalpe
Mocha Latte- Loping Leggs resin sculpted and painted by Liesl Dalpe

Tomorrow I will have the results from my showing in the sporthorse, English and costume divisions!

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