Thursday, December 31, 2015

2015 doll year review

   Yes, I am a huge slacker when it comes to keeping the blog updated. I don't have many excuses for that other than not usually having anything to write about. I don't go to a ton of shows, but I try to remember to report on them when I do. In progress photos of dolls look terrible (dolls are often pretty scary until they are finished) so I don't do those. Some customers want their new dolls to be a surprise once they get them to that first show so to be safe I don't share most dolls I finish. And did I mention I have a lazy streak? Sometimes I can work feverishly for 10-12 hours a day, 6 or even 7 days a week and then sometimes I have trouble finishing even one doll in a week. I hate those weeks.
    So what have I managed to get done this year? Here's my list:

41 western pleasure 
16 casual/working western ladies
13 hunt seat dolls 
12 cowboys
12 specialty dolls
11 youth hunt seat dolls
7 saddle seat dolls 
5 casual English dolls
4 side saddle dolls
3 driving dolls
3 cross country dolls
3 dressage dolls
3 male youth dolls (4 if you count one of the specialty dolls)
2 showmanship dolls. 
     for a total of.....are you ready?....135 dolls made this year! 

    Not bad for being as much of a slacker as I often feel I am. I may have missed something but that is a pretty clear idea of what I did this year. Apparently people are REALLY into western dolls. 
   I've also made lots of other things. Bunches of pairs of removable cutting chaps, eventing sets, miniature food (both 1:12 scale and 1:9 scale), saddle bags, saddle pads, dusters and I may have missed something from the extras list. So I guess I have been sort of busy this year. Just not blogging.

   This year I worked more on making my etsy store noticeable. It's been open since 2012 but got very little business until this year. Things started clicking over there finally and I am pleased with how it's all going. Now to get some new stuff in it!
   Let's see, what else? There may have been something but I can't think of it at the moment. It's been a pretty good year at Field of Dolls Studio. As with all years there have been ups and downs but I am ending on a pretty decent high note. I want to thank each and every one of my customers for their orders and purchases. From the smallest etsy sale to the largest order I have ever gotten every sale counts and everything helps. Thank you all for Keeping Field of Dolls Studio in Business for NINE years now! Here's to you all for your continued support and a wonderful 2016!
And now to end on a silly (and somewhat controversial) note; piles.

*note* no dolls or crystal horses were hurt in the making of these piles :)

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