Saturday, July 14, 2018

Breyerfest Weekend (not much about Breyerfest)

I haven't posted since February. I have partially the same excuse as last time, I am bad at keeping up with the blog. I also have some other excuses. Besides regular school stuff I am also a paraprofessional for the Unified Track Team. Specifically for Travis. It's awesome getting to work with him and this season was excellent! He qualified for the division sectionals AND the state finals! The season starts at the end of March and goes through June. So very busy all day and all afternoon and sometimes into the evening.  That doesn't leave much time for dolls or the blog. But this kid is awesome and worth it! 

 Not only was there a track season but the end of the school year is crazy. I have no idea why other than maybe everyone is tired and ready for a break. But the end of the year is sheer madness. Still, I did work on dolls before school and during my free period. I got a decent amount done that way. 
Once Summer break started I think I was nearly comatose for a couple of days and then I had a burst of energy. Crazy energy. I got SO much done! I was doing huge cleaning and organizing projects in my house, I got TONS of dolls done. I am starting to slack every several days or so now, but I still seem to have an amazing amount of energy for getting things done. I am in an all out house purge and it's wonderful! Everyone should go through everything they own once in awhile. You'd be amazed at what you are holding onto. 
So with all these dolls I have been making what have I done with them? I have been listing them on MH$P in batches! I have gotten some really fun fabrics from a recent miniatures fair that has made it's way into many new dolls. I got a bunch of miniature feathers that inspired me to make a fabulous hat! Seriously, I make driving dolls so I can make cool hats. So I have been busy but it's good busy. Elecktra turned 20 in May and Travis turned 18 in June. I don't know how those babies turned into grown people, but it happened. 
Currently I am working on a handful of doll orders and then I will get back to making random dolls. I will likely list some of them for sale now and some of them will get put away until TRXC in October. I do like to have a variety of things for sale then. Breyerfest is going on right now and I am excited that a friend picked up a couple of models I wanted for me. One of these years I will go to Breyerfest. For now though I will go and jump into another sorting project and then get back to doll making. I'll leave with some pics of the dolls I have made since May. Enjoy and happy showing! 


  1. So good to hear what's been going on! Good work on the runner in the family! These dolls are wonderful. I especially like the feathered hat and the blue-flowers-Western.
