Saturday, March 30, 2019

Buffalo Chicken Dip and Tortillas

     Yesterday I wanted to make low carb tortilla chips and buffalo chicken dip. I really wanted to eat those. But when I got home from school Ethan spoiled me with a pile of gifts, Elecktra came over, then Ethan and I went out to eat and took a walk by the river. And then there was cake. I had no time to make the tortillas or dip. But I have been wanting to try the chips. So today I did. 
     They are not super challenging or super easy to make. But they are tasty. Low carb tortillas are based on a fathead dough. I like the ones we tried. There are other recipes as well. Ethan says the dark ones are his favorite. They are crunchy. The other ones are chewy and he thinks those are kind of weird. It's true, they are a bit weird. But they are tasty. I could see the chewy ones being awesome with some cinnamon and sweetener instead of spices. I may have to try that sometime. Anyway, the flavor is good, though really nothing like a corn chip. I like them though and will probably make them again at some point. 
     I have a recipe for buffalo chicken dip that I have made a couple of times that is so amazingly good that people will literally eat it by the bowlful. I made that one several times, even before we were low carb, but I didn't make it this time around because I still have not found a ranch dressing mix that we can eat. I might have to make some. But until then I tried a different dip recipe. It is pretty good, but not quite as wow as the other one. Still, if you are looking for a fast and easy buffalo chicken dip this is not bad at all. 
    My best friend, Crystal, came over today and brought me a couple of birthday  gifts. A very funny magnet that I won't share in case kids are reading this and some gorgeous swarovski star earrings. They are the cool ear-thread kind and are super gorgeous. I would love to buy her swarovski stuff for gift giving occasions but unless she has a wish-list posted somewhere I would not even know what to buy, lol. So I will think of other things. We had a really excellent visit and talked about the struggles of finding clothes that fit properly and the need to buy new clothes after a big weight loss (she has also lost a lot of weight). 
     I decided to plant the mums Angelique gave me. It was super warm today, T-shirt weather, even with the wind. Too bad that won't last. But there is more of it way off in the 10 day. I am happy it is finally getting to be Spring. I am tired of being cold. I imagine the mums don't want to be cold either. 

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