Thursday, April 25, 2019

LIMHE Bring the Mayhem

    I don't usually like to show in both OF performance and CM performance at the same time but LIMHE is not super well attended on performance day which allows it to go at a slower pace, but still get out early enough for me to make the long drive home without getting back in the middle of the night.
     To start things out Bring the Mayhem was wearing the black and pink tack made by Jennifer Buxton, a super cool pink pad made by Maire Lanzafane and I made his boots, doll, and the rose jump. I managed to not screw things up and Mayhem got 1st in Jumper.
    Next was Dressage. Bring the Mayhem managed 2nd in that class. Even though the judge said he was starting his turn too soon and would end up making a very tight circle. 
     The next class was Pleasure/Huntseat all Types. This was the first class in the English division. The judge told me that the entry was perfect but Mayhem is not really the best fit for a pleasure class. I agree, but he will continue to go on the table anyway. 
    The next class was arena trail and my struggles with documentation continued. I have so much documentation for horses on the left lead. Which does me no good with Bring the Mayhem. So I finally found this really boring box entry. And the judge pointed out that at one point in the pattern the horse is supposed to turn in a circle in the box so this one is obviously too small. Oops. 
     Next was the start of the stockhorse division and Bring the Mayhem went in wearing Pam Perkins tack with my Elecktra doll on board. The judge says I need a different cow, one on the right lead. I said you find me that cow and I will get him. She started looking at all the cows and we are pretty sure it does not exist. So this is one of those cases where you need to give a bit of leeway for the fact that they are models. Anyway, I didn't screw up a ton so Mayhem got 2nd. 
    Next was Western Riding and Bring the Mayhem got 4th in that class. I can't remember now what the judge said about the entry. Maybe it was just not as cool as some others on the table. 
     Up next was Extreme Cowboy and the return of my new cowboy curtain. I can't remember what got 1st but Bring the Mayhem got 2nd in this class. 
     Now we already know that Bring the Mayhem is not the best pleasure horse. Still, I think he looks excellent in this shade of blue!
     Continuing the Arena trail documentation struggles we have Bring the Mayhem's western arena trail entry. This was the only western trail pattern I had that had a lope on the right lead. And he is not even really interacting with an obstacle! The documentation shows the horse picking up a canter to go around the box. Though it also shows that at some point the horse needs to turn in a circle in the box, so I made a larger one this time. All those things helped get 2nd place. 
     The Housewife Scurry game almost always does well. This time was no different and Bring the Mayhem got another 2nd. 
     My last entry in the Western division was Other Western Performance and I put up my versatility entry. I was rushing at that point since a lot was going on in CM/AR and I may have screwed something up. Or it may not have been as cool as other stuff on the table. 
     The last division of OF was Costume/Other performance. I decided not to show Bring the Mayhem in it at all. Sure, I could have most likely gotten him a couple more NAN cards I think he would have been the only one in his classes) but winning like that is not really fun. Plus I was too tired to do 2 quick tack changes (vaulting and then parade) and it was getting later and I needed to head out. So I decided to skip the division. I still feel this was a good choice.
     I have one more post which is about the CM/AR Costume/Other Performance division. This one was actually in the middle of the day but I wanted to save it for last.

1 comment:

  1. Wow what a day and a way to show one horse! I like how in the first pic his document tape pointer and his saddle blanket are exactly the same shade of pink. :) Leads on cows!! I never would've thought of such a thing... Truly detail is king. Kudos to the judge, and to you for staying the course.
