Saturday, April 20, 2019

Miniature Madness

     I have been stuck the past several days. I don't have any sort of creative block or anything like that. I can't seem to stop making miniature candy. I have found multiple different candy wrappers, shrunk them to the correct size and set them in rows for ease of cutting.
     A friend of mine ordered a judge's kit and some show numbers. I was all out, so I made some for her. 
     Then I made a whole bunch more. (I was out of them...)
    My sister called a couple nights ago and I made this candy while we were on the phone. 
    Then I added the rest of the miniature candy I have made over the past several days. I don't think I am done just yet. I have a bunch more cut out and ready to assemble. 
Then there are the bags of miniature chips. I have a bunch of those too. I also made more of those yesterday. I may have a problem with miniatures. But I don't think so...
     Yesterday I also had to do a whole bunch of other things besides obsessively making miniatures. I had to make more bread because we were out again. I decided to make the soul bread again because it was so good. Since it spilled out of the pan last time I split it into 2 pans. It came out kind of flat but it actually worked out in an interesting way. 
    I also organized horse boots and other sales stuff in the new pink containers I got at Michael's the other day. These are super convenient and I love them! I also made a list of all the horse boots of each type I have in stock, the chinks and chaps I have, the dolls and that may have been all that is on the list. Not sure.  Oh yes, and you get to enjoy the giant crap pile that is currently my kitchen table. There has been a bit of improvement since the photo was taken. 
    It was also an excellent mail day yesterday. Diminutive Duke arrived. He is awesome and I can't wait to paint him! Though he now is added to the collection of unpainted models I already have which brings the number to 7. With 2 on the way...
    The tiny peeps I ordered showed up yesterday as well. And they came with this surprise tiny Easter basket! It is super cute. I have no idea what I will do with it, but it's nicely in scale so I am sure I can think of something sooner or later.
    Travis and I had to go and do a ton of errands all over the place so I actually spent a lot of time out of the house. When we got home I made some sandwiches out of the delicious soul bread. What I did was I cut each loaf into 4 pieces and then cut each of those pieces in half so I have sort of a roll. Perfect tiny sandwich size! And actually, if you eat 2 of them they are overly filling. Which I never thought I would be one of those people who thinks that eating, what equals a whole sandwich (together these 2 are about the size of one regular sized sandwich) is filling. But I am saying it. The bread is so much more filling than normal bread. And may be my favorite low carb bread. I have made it twice now. I need to order a regular sized bread pan. I like the flat loaves but I want to see how this turns out in a proper sized pan.
     Tomorrow is Ethan and my anniversary. Not our wedding anniversary, which counts, but not in the same way as this anniversary. This is really our dating anniversary, but since we were together for over 10 years before we got married, it's an important date. And this year it's a milestone. 20 years. I reminded him the other day and said we should get steak and do something fun for sides. 20 years of not killing each other seems like something to celebrate after all! So we will have steak and low carb fries and hopefully nice weather to go outside and enjoy ourselves. I promise, the LIMHE show reports are coming! Soon! Maybe tomorrow... 


  1. Obsessive with miniatures!? Pah! you need backstock... :)
    Congratulations on 20 years et al. My husband counts the first date too.
