Friday, April 12, 2019

Two Days Until Show Day

    If every work day was a half day I would get SO much done! If I wasn't also helping with unified track 3 days a week I would get a lot more done. Right now is a busy time of year, but it is great. Travis has gotten better with track every year, and better at working hard during track. This year I am fitter than I have been and working at better fitness. So I am not complaining about track. But time is definitely limited.
    Since I got home at about 11:00 this morning I made some bread. We were out and there was another new recipe I wanted to try. I love this bread. Ethan loves this bread, and he is not even really a bread guy. Travis hasn't tried the bread yet but I am sure he will soon. Anyway, this is one of the may breads called the best low card bread ever. It is basically a fathead bread dough. And I have to say, I am a big fan. It won't work for my friends with nut allergies because it has almond flour in it, but it is gluten free, sugar free, low carb and so on and so on. I had a bite of it plain, a bit with peanut butter and some with regular butter. All of it was really good and I wanted to keep eating it! Ethan took part of a slice, then took the rest of the slice and then came back for another slice. So that says to me that this bread is universally liked. I am sure Travis will love it. I may try it out tomorrow and see if it makes a good French toast. Travis has been enjoying toasted bread with syrup recently. I imagine he would also like it as French toast. 
    Fun fact; my bread knife was actually the cake knife Ethan and I used at our wedding. More fun than that, it is part of a set that also had a cake server. On one side is Ethan's and my wedding date and on the other is his brother and sister in law's names and wedding date. They have the cake server and we have the knife. And obviously, we all used the set at our weddings. It was pretty cool. 

     After Travis got home and, we had a bit of lunch, we went to the Ford dealership so I could get my oil changed and my inspection sticker. It actually went very quickly, which was awesome. After I was done there I went to buy meat and to get deli meat. All of these errands were pretty quick so I made it home shortly after 2:00 and got right into doll work. 
     I wanted to change my casual English doll a bit so I made her some new pink and black camo breeches. I also sewed the clothes for my cowboy doll and the handler/judge doll for Anna's order. So I made a bit more progress on dolls. I really wanted to take a break but I am hoping to get my dolls finished for the show on Sunday. It MIGHT happen. It might not. I have the new head on the cowboy doll and his clothes are sewn. So if I can manage to just work straight through for a few hours I might be able to get him done. But working was tough today. I kind of wanted to just read. I made sure to stop by the library this morning to grab an extra book to get me through vacation. But doll progress needed to happen.
      I did make some excellent progress today actually. I have my casual doll updated, the clothes sewn for the guys and I finished up Laura's Arabian rider doll. She wanted a very basic doll to match a costume she has and this is what we came up with. I really hope that Laura likes her. 

      I had some more ice cream today, this time vanilla. I really don't love the vanilla flavor of Enlightened. I decided to try it today with some peanut butter cup peanut butter from Legendary foods. The stuff was very expensive and it is not that great. Save your money. I am looking forward to trying the vanilla ice cream from Rebel. Monday I will have time to go out to Sturbridge and get some. I hope they have all the flavors. I don't WANT all of them, but I want to try most of them. That ice cream looks really great. So I am excited. 
      Tomorrow is Candyland Live and I am excited for that. Jackie Rossi and Jennifer Buxton have a (fairly) friendly rivalry going on about the over fences class. I am really looking forward to seeing how that all turns out. And tomorrow is the day I can finally start to share about the really interesting part I played in Jackie's entry. So until tomorrow...                                                                                                                     


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Love the pink camo breeches (had to delete the last post due to typo!)

  3. I have discovered that I can probably manage to squeeze 3 pairs of breeches out of each of the cool knit fabrics I got from Spoonflower. This makes me super happy!
