Tuesday, May 7, 2019

Bits and pieces and tiny things

      Tuesday is a rough day for me. I have a double period with a teacher I am not fond of working with. It's also laundry day. So basically I run and run all day and often have to deal with nonsense. It can be rough. I also have super limited time to get any doll work done. So, as I planned, I haired a couple of heads 1st period today. That was all I had time for really. 
     I stopped at the liquor store on the way home to buy wine for Elecktra. It amuses me that I can buy my daughter wine. Well, in two days she will be able to buy her own, I guess I could technically have bought it for her any time. But now she will be of legal drinking age. That is still weird to me. How did she I get so old? How can I have a completely grown daughter?
     Well my daughter might be grown, but I am not. And I hope I never am. Today I got some Amazon packages that made me extremely happy. Jennifer Buxton and Jackie Rossi both have tiny rubber chickens and I was jealous of this. Jackie told me where she got hers and finally I decided I needed to have them. I have plans for these already...
    I also got some more tiny drinks. I have gotten a lot of miniatures in lately and I am happy to add them to my collection and hopefully I will remember to use all these things. I have some more things coming as well. And more projects and more ideas I will probably not get to. Not enough hours in the day. I wish I didn't need to sleep. I actually also wish I was not so tired. 
     So today's episode of what-is-Anne-making-in-the-laundromat featured bells. Lots of little bells getting added to the different pieces of the jester costume. And some of the pieces falling apart. Oops. I had no glue with me today so I will have to fix that later. I could do it now but I am really burnt out. 
    My dolling plans for today didn't totally pan out. I wanted to get the jester stuff all finished, the heads haired, several pairs of boots made and a face painted. I did hair the heads and did most of the jester stuff but no boots or painting happened. I am just too tired. I got back from the laundromat and struggled to put the clothes away. I know I should give myself more down-time, but it's hard. I have things to do, orders, work, extra work because of track. And it's a struggle because currently I am reading a really good book. It's The Silkworm by Robert Galbraith (J.K Rowling). It is the second in the Cormoran Strike series and very good. I think there are 2 more in the series, though one of them might not be out yet. I don't know, I need to ask my mom, she got me into these books. Conveniently the school library has them. I don't know that I would have time to get books if they didn't. 
    Tomorrow there is no track meet or practice, though Wednesday is normally a track day. So I am hoping I can be full of energy and manage to finish the jester (she needs shoes and hands, that should NOT be that hard!), the boots on a youth doll and an equitation rider I am working on. That might be ambitious, but I have a start on everything. I guess I will just have to see how much I can get done. 

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