Saturday, May 18, 2019

Ready, set, go!

     I got my new pony in yesterday. Her name is Lilith and she is lovely. She may need a bridle with some customization but for now I am going to wing it. She really is wonderful. Dammit Breyer! I am NOT an OF collector!
    So of course Lilith was here for all of 5 seconds and got some tack on her. That's how I roll. I had to adjust the costume I made for her a bit because she has a bit more of everything compared to Bouncer. But the design made the fixes super easy. She is still adorable and I still love her. 
     In about a half hour or so Travis and I are leaving for Medieval Madness. Elecktra and Peter are coming a bit later. I have so many new things planned for today. Or old things with new additions. Hopefully today will be an excellent day!

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