Saturday, June 29, 2019

8 more days

     Yesterday was an interesting day. In the morning my niece called me as I was starting to work on finishing up the bling on the western pleasure doll. We ended up on the phone for 4 hours. I told her she needs to talk to adults more often (she has 2 very little girls and not much adult interaction). In that time I finished up the bling, which was almost done anyway, and put together this casual western doll. The body was already prepped, the clothes were already sewn, the chaps were complete, etc. So it was really just putting her together. I got finished fairly early (I started fairly early) and then decided to take the rest of the day off. 
     It was weird. And wonderful.
      The weather was super gorgeous. It was 92 and very low (for New England) humidity. I was not cold at all. It was nice. Travis and I decided to go to a further-away-than-usual Walmart to get the things we needed. We opened all the windows in the car and the sunroof. That was a fun drive! And it was nice to be not working on dolls for a bit. I could have gotten more done, and maybe I should have, but it was really nice to have that bit of a break. Today I should have a big box of dolls arriving. I really hope they show up like the tracking says they should. Then I will need to get a bunch dremeled and I can get back to dressing dolls. I want to try to finish at least one tomorrow. And then maybe 2 more on tomorrow. It's supposed to rain all weekend so I am not missing out on any nice weather. And I did go out and enjoy the little bit of nice weather we had yesterday. It really was wonderful. 
    So I am down to having 7 working days and then I absolutely need to ship everything on the 8th day. And my post office closes at noon so unless I get up really early and jump into something I won't have any time to work that day. I have 24 dolls finished, 6 to go and I still need to work on chaps and cross country kits. I think I can do this. I just need to keep working at it.

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