Thursday, June 20, 2019

Breyerfest is coming

     I think someone asked me Monday afternoon how my vacation was going. I said, Saturday we went to Brooklyn Comic Con, Sunday we ate Pho for Father's Day and Monday I worked all day because Breyerfest is coming. Most people have no idea what that means. But most likely reader of this blog know. 
     Now Breyerfest means different things to different people. To most people, who know what it is, it is a gathering of model horse people to see real horses, model horses, to see friends you rarely or never get to see and to shop. To me it usually means a weekend of stalking posts on Facebook and wishing I was there. Don't get me wrong, this year I will still be stalking posts on Facebook and wishing I was there. But there is a difference for me this year. While I will still not be attending (it's on my someday list), I have dolls going. This lady was an order from Anna Blackburn for Breyerfest. She was the last commission doll that is happening for the next 3 weeks. I still have some really interesting dolls to get to, but I was told they just need to be done some time in the next year. And that works for me.
     So even though I am a bit sad that again I won't be able to join in the madness that is Breyerfest, I do always enjoy preparing for things. Whether it is a horse show, a trip to Brooklyn for Comic Con or a big sale, I like having a focus.  And right now my focus is all dolls, all the time. Or just about. Yesterday I was working on mens cutting chaps at the laundromat again. This morning I was working on some ladies cutting chaps, I did a ton of sewing and I have a couple of sales dolls nearing completion. I also already have an OK stash of dolls ready to go. But there needs to be more. There always needs to be more. So I will work as much as I can for the next 3 weeks and then the dolls will head out. 
    Some of the dolls will be heading to Jennifer Buxton, who will have them with some tack sets in the Artisan's Gallery. The rest will be with Jackie Rossi in the Clarion, room 620, for room sales. Jackie will be there from Thursday through Sunday. If there is a particular type of doll you are hoping to find let me know. I might have time to make it happen. I only have vague plans at the moment of what I am making.
     Thank you so much to Jennifer and Jackie for bringing my dolls to Breyerfest. It starts with dolls and some day,  I will follow. For now though, I will work until I just can't anymore.