Monday, June 24, 2019

Something western

     As is usual with my photographs, the colors are a bit off on these two ladies. But I added a couple more Western pleasure ladies to my Breyerfest doll line-up. The lime green will definitely draw the attention of any judge and the blue is a nice switch from so much black. Though I do have a couple of dolls in the works that will have black chaps. I just can't abandon the color for long. 
     So a bit more progress has been made and I am working on other bits and pieces of things for the Breyerfest dolls. I am a bit tired and my hands are tired and a bit sore. But I only have 11 more days and then I need to ship everything off. I can probably keep this up for 11 more days. Sleep is for quitters. (just kidding, I LOVE sleeping!)

1 comment:

  1. I love that blue one -- a person can get tired of all black.
    Don't forget to allow for shipping flubs: there be floods in the Midwest, y'know...
