Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Sometimes you have to sew all day long

     Yesterday I spent the day sewing. I feel like I got nothing done at all, but cutting out doll clothes and sewing them IS getting something done. I started with this stack of material early in the morning...
     and got to this point a good while later. These are all tiny articles of clothing cut out with the pieces pinned together.  From here I knew it would be at least 2 or 3 more hours before I could get up from the table. 
     I did not do all of this sewing all at once. I worked for probably 2 hours and then I got up to stretch and do some stuff around the house. I sat down and pushed myself to do a little bit more and finally I was down to just 3 hunt coats to sew. So I went out to do the laundry. I kind of hate sewing hunt coats, they are easy to mess up and I didn't want to come at them while all I wanted was to be done and away from the sewing machine. 
     At the laundromat I worked on chaps and when I got home I sat back down to finish the sewing. I still didn't want to do it, I just wanted to be done. But I would not allow myself to be done until I finished those coats. I was careful with them, super careful, and they all came out really well! I guess it paid off to wait a bit to finish them. The end result is 10 complete doll outfits sewn and ready to put on dolls. Though right this minute I only have one Gracie doll and a couple of male dolls to work on. I should have some more today, they are out for delivery. Fingers crossed they actually get here. 
     Because the cutting out and sewing took a lot of time and I had to go out and do the laundry, I did not have time to even come close to finishing a doll yesterday. But I did find I had a little bit more time after supper and I haired these 3 heads. So yesterday was really all about prep work. I am hoping today can be about getting at least one doll finished. Maybe one finished and one worked on. Or more if I am super efficient. All these long hours and sore body parts (mine) should at least result in a lot of finished dolls. I think I am up to 19 finished. I am not positive on that though and will need to count again. I am aiming for 30. It seems like a good goal. I have no idea if I can do it or not. But I think I can. 
     Because I did not finish anything new yesterday that I can share, here is a group of English ladies that were already finished. The saddleseat rider has a removable coat, so she can do in-hand showing as well. The casual lady has a removable vest. So she is great for all season casual riding or if you add a safety vest she can even do cross country. Hmm, I wonder if I have time to make more cross country kits to send. I may run out of time for all the ideas!

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