Tuesday, June 11, 2019

The end is in sight

     There are only 3 days left in the school year. I am tired and very ready for a break. I have 3 weeks to work on Breyerfest sales stuff before I need to ship it to Jennifer so it gets to her in time. I meant to have more done by now. But the track season is a very busy time for me. And now I am just so unmotivated. It really is a near constant struggle to make myself do anything at all. At least my cold is getting better.
     So my plan, if I can stick to it, is to finish up 3 more orders that I need to get out this week. One is just about done, so I am not concerned. The other 2 are not even started. *sigh* so I want to at least get those dolls finished. Saturday the kids and I are going to the Brooklyn Comic Con. Then Father’s Day is Sunday. And next week I am going to buckle down and start making as many dolls as I can in a week. That is my plan. I had lofty goals, and then life happened. And distractions and lack of motivation. I will do what I can.
      In case anyone is wondering, the above photo is one of the new hallway paintings at Ludlow High School. It is right outside Angelique’s classroom and I happened to see it while sitting in the chair of awesomeness the other day. The Lorax is my favorite Dr.Seuss book. And the painting is gorgeous! I should try to get more pictures of the hallway art at the school. The surprised lions are always fun.

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