Thursday, July 11, 2019

I meant to work but then other things happened

     Yesterday I totally meant to start working on the bits of armor I need to make. But then I went riding with Ethan. And it was fun, though sometimes I felt like I was going to puke. I didn't. I'm so proud of myself. 
     Ethan knows a million different spots to ride, all with various levels of hills and things to jump off or over. He is a serious bike rider. I think he currently owns 5 or 6 different TYPES of bikes, and he is not even sure how many bicycles he owns. I own zero bicycles, because I don't ride enough to actually need to own one. But recently Ethan built this green bike and it fits me perfectly. He said eventually he will probably sell it, but I am welcome to play with it while it's with us. OK. So I told him it has been a very long time since I have gone any distance on a bicycle and I needed something relatively flat. And Ethan delivered. It WAS mostly flat. There was also sand, large gravel, big rocks, smaller big rocks and tree roots. Because it has to be at least somewhat interesting for him so we went riding in the woods. The best I can say is I kept going for the 8+ miles. And I didn't whine and complain. Honestly I didn't have breath to complain. But I did it. And maybe while that bike is still here I might ride it some more. Maybe on things that are actually flat. Like the road. I know, mountain bikes are for the woods...
     I also noticed I had this lovely bunch of grease on my leg. Ethan tells me that some of the people on one of his bike forums says it's their "tattoo" and they "earned it" and get mad at people who ask the best way to get it off. I feel it is chain grease, not a tattoo and taking a shower took care of it. It's funny though that I don't even remember putting my legs against the chain. Maybe it was when I stopped, I don't know. 
     So today I may or may not get into some doll work. I should, because Saturday we are having a tag sale and it would be good to have stuff prepped for that at least. A tag sale day is a perfect day to get doll work done. But my priority is to go see my aunts at the Brimfield Flea Market. I have not seen them in such a long time and that sucks. So I will pack some snacks and go to Brimfield and visit and maybe walk around a bit. I need to be home to get Travis off the bus so I will likely work on dolls at least a bit in the afternoon. 
     I am still simultaneously enjoying everyone's Breyerfest posts and being sad that I can't also be there with all my hobby friends. It doesn't help that I had two people offer me some extra tickets. SO tempting! But it's $854 for Travis and I to take a Greyhound bus (which is for some reason 22 hours each way... Kentucky is only 14.5 hours from here...) and would mean a full day of travel on each side of one day of playing with horse people, plus having nowhere to sleep. Not a good plan. So I made plans to hang out with Maire on Sunday. I can manage a 3.5 hour drive to New Jersey. And I still get to do hobby things and hang out with a hobby friend!

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