Thursday, July 25, 2019

Shiny Clothes

     I love shiny things. I am a bling person. I love sparkles and shimmer and eye catching details of all sorts. Not all shiny things are great though. Working with shiny fabric, in miniature, is fairly challenging. I guess I could use pins to help me, but who has time for that nonsense? And really, in miniature pins just sometimes don't work. 
     Anyway, Jackie asked me to make her a roadster driver and other than a couple of options she chose from and her choice of colors for the silks, I got to do whatever I wanted. Which was fun for the most part. Roadster silks all sort of look the same, with some minor differences. So I went with a basic idea, fought with the slippery fabric and my temperamental sewing machine and finally managed to make this doll. 
     Honestly, the sewing probably would have been super easy if my sewing machine was not acting up. I don't know if it just needs a tune-up or if it's on death's doorstep. I really hope I don't have to replace my sewing machine. At least not any time soon. OK, back to the point, Jackie's doll. The fabric was a bit finicky, anything that is slippery and frays easily usually is, but it glues amazingly! I never do top stitching on a doll because it is out of scale. So I always glue my hems. This material (whatever it is. Some sort of lining fabric I think) just grabs onto the glue perfectly, without it soaking through. Which is not the case with a lot of fabrics. I struggled with my lack of motivation for a few days (I meant to finish this doll on Monday) and she is done and I am happy. I can bring her down to Jackie on Friday and that will make me happy too.
    I am hoping the bit of motivation I found this afternoon will carry over into tomorrow. I want to work on, and maybe even finish, a western pleasure doll. I have a good start on her so it might be possible. I will have hours here all by myself. I finally settled on a new show to watch. Yesterday I found the show Special on Netflix. I thought it was really good but the shows were only about 15 minutes each and I think the entire season was 9 episodes. So that didn't last long. I tried several other recommendations today (Netflix "because you watched...") but I didn't like most of them. So I finally started on 13 Reasons Why. I don't know if I have ever seen a warning at the beginning of a show quite like the one I saw today. I have heard a lot of interesting things about the show and the concept is intriguing. I would love some show recommendations if anyone has any. I have Netflix, Hulu, Amazon Prime and HBO but I think I am going to cancel that one. Hopefully 13 Reasons Why is not too depressing and will last me a little bit.

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