Saturday, July 20, 2019

The weather isn’t as great as it was

      Yesterday the weather was very sticky. I have been so spoiled with the 90+ degree weather and 30% humidity. It really has been some of my favorite weather ever. But yesterday we were up to around 60% humidity with 90+ degree weather. And today will be close to 100 with slightly higher humidity. I don't love the weather as much now. The heat is great, I was cold all the way from September to June, but now we are back to soupy weather. And it's true, this is still lower than a lot of what we usually get to deal with in Massachusetts, but that doesn't mean I have to like it.
      So hot and sticky weather means I have to remind myself that I own dresses. Cute dresses with twirly skirts and no sleeves. And pockets! I honestly never thought I would be one of those people who was obsessed with pockets on dresses. But I am that person. Pockets on dresses are one of the best things ever. My friend Krista made a whole bunch of AMAZING dresses for Breyerfest, and they have pockets! She shared which pattern she used so now I want to go and get the pattern and find super cool fabric and make dresses. It has been a long time since I did any sewing for real sized people. Anyway, every time I think about dresses with pockets I think about Donna from Doctor Who yelling at The Doctor for asking her if she has any money (or anything else) while she is wearing a wedding dress. "POCKETS!?!" Elecktra and I laugh about that a lot. 
     So the weather was sticky and it made me sort of lazy. But sort of made me go on a mission. Travis and I got ice coffee and headed out to Joann's in Holyoke to see if they had any cool fabric that I just needed to have. I was looking for a costume velvet with glitter in different colors for the most part. I got a gorgeous piece of purple from Maire last weekend and found some in black at Ludlow Joann's. I was at the Hadley Joann's on Thursday, saw it in green and didn't buy it. I have no idea why because now I just need to go back and buy it. Sadly, Holyoke Joann's didn't have it. 
     We went to Hobby Lobby so I could get another glue bottle, a new box to put my paint in since my paint collection had outgrown the old box, and a piece of cool fabric which I may or may not ever actually have a use for.
     And since I was already on a mission, I went to Joann's in Enfield (Connecticut. We are really close to the state line). I ended up with the white iridescent scale fabric (upper left), a silver fabric that looks very much like realistic miniature chain mail, a black metallic striped fabric, a silver on white striped fabric, a cool holographic purple and a holographic blue.  I was thinking the holographic ones would be excellent for horse boots! The purple one might be a bit finicky to use, it looks like it frays a bit when you cut it, but the blue might be just about perfect. So I will add holographic horse boots to the list of things I need to make. 
     I have to get a couple of dolls packed up and shipped today and it is going to be sticky again. It's not even 8:00 in the morning yet and it's already almost 80 with 91% humidity. I know the humidity will go down a bit at least, but I doubt it will go down enough for me to love the weather. I might see about getting the dremel out and set up to prep some dolls while it is still early, but it may already be too sticky for me to have any motivation at all. We'll see what the day holds for me I guess. 

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