Friday, August 30, 2019

Exhausted but also peanut butter cake

     I am exhausted. Starting back at school is tough. I am not good at getting up at 5:00 am every day. Sure, I can do it once in awhile for something important like a horse show, but rough. Tuesday was Travis's first day of school, which started me on having to get up super early again. Though Wednesday was tougher because I had to make sure to stay up and stay on schedule because I was back in school. Summer is nice, everything is at my own pace. Yesterday when I got home I was so exhausted I just had to take a nap. It was only about 45 minutes (it was an hour) but it was a hard nap. The kind where you are instantly in almost a small coma and nothing short of your bed being on fire is going to get you up. Yeah, that kind of tired. But after I finally managed to get up and shake off the fog things were better. Though I was also super hungry. I had lunch with Nicole today but for some reason we had almost no time to eat. So I didn't get to eat a lot of my lunch, just some bites of everything and a seltzer. Well, I guess eating is optional...
    ...until you are super hungry and just want something different and maybe even a little bit like a treat. I had vague thoughts of microwave bread with syrup or a chocolate mug cake. Then I remembered Alex, Travis's para, said that sometimes they put peanut butter in his mug muffins. OK, sounds good to me. So I created a cross between the 90 second almond flour bread and a cake-like something. And remembered to take a photo before it was too late AND wrote down what I put in it! Here you go:
90 Second Microwave peanut butter chocolate cake

1.5 T melted butter
3 T almond flour
2 T erythritol (or other alternative sweetener) 
1 t baking powder
2 t cocoa powder (I will use maybe 1 T next time)
1 egg
2 T peanut butter (I use unsweetened peanut butter)

put everything in a microwave safe container and mix it up. I use a sandwich sized container. Microwave for 90 seconds. Would make an excellent base for ice cream!

    This cake ended up being a little bit sweet, a little bit peanut buttery but not really chocolatey at all. Next time I might use more cocoa powder. Or skip it all together and add some chocolate chips. That could be excellent as well. But it was tasty, different and kind of a treat. 
     I also looked up where to buy Rebel ice cream again because I was going to see which was the next closest store besides Sturbridge and Winsor. Well, it's now at Shoprite in Enfield! Which means it's even closer than Shaw's in Sturbridge! And I am excited and Travis doesn't have school today, so I don't either, and we are going to buy ice cream! I wonder if they will have any flavors we haven't tried yet. I hope they have any flavors at all. Usually when a store first gets Rebel, they run out quickly.  And often. But that is exciting and I am really happy I have other, closer options now. In town would be great, but I don't see that happening any time soon.
    So the first week of school was good, but tiring. My schedule is not particularly taxing and the teachers I work with, so far, are fantastic. I got a really interesting book list from the anatomy and physiology teacher. I stopped at the library on the way out of school and picked up Death's Acre, which is about the body farm in Tennessee. While I am not fascinated with the decay of the body, I am fascinated with the body in general. The way everything (usually) works and works together. And death is part of life and the Body Farm is a valuable tool in forensics. I read a book at some point about it, it may have been Body Farm actually, which is fiction. But I don't remember for sure. Anyway, I am only into the second chapter but it's already good. I am hoping I can finish it over the long weekend and return on Tuesday so the kids have a chance to get it. Maybe I will go through the rest of the book list as well. 

1 comment:

  1. We too have to get up at 5:30 this semester. I feel your pain. :) Nice cookie!
