Monday, August 12, 2019

Progress But I Really Need My Sewing Machine

     The other day I got in a big order of Quinn dolls and heads from KC's Galloping Gals. I didn't need any more just yet but I have been planning on ordering about 10 every month, whether or not I need them, so I never run out of dolls. I feel it is a good plan. When they posted that the store would be back up soon and the prices would go back to regular price after that happened, I knew I needed to put in a good sized order to take advantage of the savings. I should have gotten more than 20 probably, but 20 is a good number. Especially since I was not yet out of dolls. 
     I was putting off one of my orders for awhile, since Ann told me to take my time since she doesn't need them for awhile,  but I still don't have my sewing machine back. And I had the clothes sewn for these dolls and it seemed time to finish them up. 
     It's good to have something done out of my book as well. At this point I think I need to hair 2 heads and make one more pair of western boots and then there is nothing else I can do on the dolls I am working on until I get to a sewing machine. I may have to go visit Mom soon. And tell them again that their phone is broken. Still. We call and just get a busy signal. And of course my parents' never turn on their cell phones. So tomorrow I will drive over there and just hope it's a good time to do some sewing. I really need to sew and I have no idea when I am getting my machine back. 
     After I got pics of Ann's dolls today I decided I needed to get pictures into my book. I have a picture of every doll I have made, the month and year I made it and what number it is. Not including the micro rider (I didn't count that one) I have made 1274 dolls to date. It is fairly likely that I will hit 1300 before the end if the year. Considering I currently have 7 random sales dolls and 2 order dolls in the works, I'd say it is very likely. I feel like it has got to be time for a giveaway. Though I am not totally sure what it should be just yet. 
      I also did a ridiculous amount of cleaning this weekend and went searching for a splint boot that I am missing from a pair I made (the cool iridescent blue ones). I searched all over the kitchen table and I couldn't find it so I just made a new one. And finally got those boots packaged so I would not risk losing any again. Then I made a few pairs of boots with some of the new fabrics I got. The open front and fetlock boots are with iridescent silver accents and the black ones have a really cool holographic material. They remind me of the board from Qbert. Yes, I am that old. 
     I am making slow progress the last several days, but still making progress. I super need to get some sewing done so I can dress and finish some dolls. Having 9 dolls in the works seems a bit ridiculous to me. But I have limited options at the moment. I really do hope I can get my machine back soon. Or at the very least I can go and do some sewing at Mom's house. 
     Fun in the Sun is on Saturday and I think I am ready, but I am not totally sure. I should see if I can manage to finish a few more dolls, or some horse boots, or both, before then. I'm not as excited as I was for Medieval Madness, but I have been really tired and sort of meh lately. Hopefully I will be all ready to show when I get there. I have a plan at least. That's something. 

1 comment:

  1. Edward Bohlin, the great Hollywood silver saddle maker, produced about 1250 saddles in his lifetime. I'd say anyone who reaches that is pretty good --!! My own count stands at 456 + 50... I'm aiming for a thousand... I don't mean that dolls are equal to saddles; I'm counting the artist's signature work piece.
