Tuesday, August 27, 2019


     About a week ago I noticed that the screen on Travis's tablet was cracked. I figured it wouldn't last too much longer. But we got 3 or 4 years out of a $50 nook tablet, so that was not bad really. Sunday morning there was a mysterious and tragic accident that landed the shattered tablet in the trash. I have no idea what happened to it, but it was very broken and Travis cleaned it up. That was nice. 
     A bit later, after some chores and things, I asked Travis what he wanted to do and he said "Barnes and Noble". I asked him what he wanted at Barnes and Noble and he said "iPad" (what he calls his tablet). OK, we can go to Barnes and Noble and get a new iPad. I said, you need to help me with weeding to earn your new iPad and Travis said yes. Which is how this happened. 
      I have thoroughly neglected my flower garden and a lot of the other flower beds (most of which really contain nothing, and definitely not flowers) and I had thriving weed beds. It was really gorgeous weather on Sunday, so Travis and I did some weeding. And Travis got to have a very important life lesson reinforced. We need to work for the things we want. It was also a really excellent day to be outside. 

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