Monday, September 23, 2019

More doll spotting at TJS

       As the days go on and people get home, and get some rest, from The Jennifer Show, I am seeing more and more show photos appearing on Facebook. It is wonderful.  It seems like every day for over a week now I have had an opportunity several times a day, for more doll spotting. Some of these photos are repeats of entries I have already posted, but it seems every time I find a photo of an entry it is from a different angle than those from another photographer. It really is reminding me that I need to start photographing my show entries from a variety of angles.
      This first photo was part of the Performance Challenge. Everyone who entered had to use the same model(s). They were not told ahead of time what model it would be. That added to the challenge. The twist to the challenge, other than the need to show an unknown horse in performance, was they needed to show the foal in at least one class as well. I think this is a really gorgeous harness entry.
Photo by Elaine Lindelef
     This trail entry is another incredibly clever use of the foal. I made the green western casual doll that is leading the foal.
photo by Elaine Lindelef
        This was one of my favorite western doll designs. I also am really fond of dolls in black and gray. Or black and white. 
photo by Elaine Lindelef
     This pony express rider was, I think, my 1000th doll. It was also the first time I did a sex change on an Yvonne doll to turn her into a slim man. If you need a slim guy, Yvonne will often work well.
photo by Elaine Lindelef
       I made this doll a few years back when I was doing a lot with piecing together designs with printed on silk sheets. She has a peacock on the back of her coat.
photo by Christie Richardson
       Laura Skillern Sailor owns this doll. I got the shirt fabric with a batch of other fabrics from a customer years ago. It's really cool to get fabric that you have never seen locally.
photo by Elaine Lindelef

            This is Christine Jordan's Hazel. Christina Brown made the tack.
photo by Christine Jordan
       I had a traditional scale Hazel years ago and sold her. And I have been semi-searching for one ever since.
photo by Christine Jordan

Photo by Christine Jordan
      Laura Skillern Sailor and her new English doll. Laura wanted a doll that could really put her head up for over fences. So I gave her a bendy neck. I may start to do all huntseat dolls with a bendy neck. I sent two to The Jennifer Show and they didn't sell. When I get the dolls back from Fabian I will perhaps list them for sale. Or wait for TRXC. I don't know yet.
Photo by Jennifer Buxton
I have put this entry in several times. I just really love it! If I ever hold a show again I think I want to have a Bad Performance class. 
photo by Christie Richardson
    I don't know what is going on in this one, but it is potentially Erin Corbett's entry because she owns (or at least owned) the doll in the red shirt. But I guess she could have loaned it out. I would love to see the documentation from so many of these entries!
photo by Christie Richardson
     Some of the bad performance entries certainly don't need any documentation. Jackie Rossi's horse is refusing the fence and her rider is heading for a tumble. And I love it from every angle!
photo by Christie Richardson
      This little rider is owned by Christie Richardson. That is a gorgeous diorama. I think this is endurance riding.
photo by Christie Richardson
     This entry of Christie's is definitely cross country. I think this is the same diorama from the above photo, just with some added details. I love the little splash in the water!
photo by Christie Richardson
         I am not sure what this entry is, but I know that I made the casual English doll in the tie dye breeches. Whatever this is, I think it's cute.
photo by Christie Richardson

     This was Laura Skillern Sailor's scurry gone awry, which was an entry in the Bad Performance class. This was a recreation of her real-life first attempt at the event. 
photo by Christie Richardson
Complete with reference photo!
      Bad performance is a class that is basically ready made for doll use. Just sticking the doll on the ground in this entry made it perfect. 
Photo by Christie Richardson
     I really would love to see the documentation on this entry! I know there is a traditional ride and a micro rider. As well as a traditional judge and a micro judge. So cool!
photo by Christie Richardson

This poor horse was spooked by a snake on the other side of the ground pole!
Photo by Christie Richardson

    But the rider is capable of keeping her seat and taking a fence with ease. 
photo by Christie Richardson

     I made these cowboys a bunch of years ago. It's a good thing there are two of them, that horse looks really hard to handle!
photo by Christie Richardson
     I really love the bad performance photos and the amazing photos of the entries from the performance challenge. The level of creativity at The Jennifer Show was, as far as I know, unmatched by any other show ever. I am hopeful that there will be a TJS 3 and that I will be able to attend in person. 


  1. I had forgotten that I made the endurance set for Christie until you posted this picture!

  2. Wow, I loved seeing all these! Hard to pick a favorite, but I loved the Pony Express.

  3. All great entries, but my favorite is probably the Dressage one. You don't often see bad performance set-ups with Dressage involved and certainly not horses jumping out of the arena and clearing it like they were jumping a Grand Prix oxer. hahaha

  4. I think the bendy neck dolls are a great idea -- it's such a subtle change but it really makes a difference in the jumping pictures. You should definitely keep on doing them!

  5. Bad performance was the best class in general, and also the best for dolls. All of these scenes needed a doll victim to truly sell the narrative.

  6. Braymere included pix of the Bad documentation in today's post. The horrified audience really sold it for the winner. I am eagerly awaiting the "other performance" Also, dinos.

    I checked recently- you can still get a George Morris doll. That opens up all kinds of Bad possibilities...

    Betsy in WI

  7. Love seeing the photos--thank you for sharing! Love these fun performance class ideas, we all tend to be so serious over the tiniest of details that it's fun to see that creativity and detail be directed a bit differently!

    The diorama that you commented on is one of ours. You are correct that it's the same diorama just with removable details.
