Thursday, September 26, 2019

More Horseball

     I love when people love their dolls. I love when I can create exactly what someone was picturing in their head. That doesn't always work, but when it does, it's pretty fantastic. Recently Sara Bowman asked me to make her a horseball rider. She specifically wanted the same fabric on the breeches that I used on my casual youth doll. So I put in another order with Spoonflower and got some of that, and several other fun fabrics as well. There will be more cool breeches in the future!

      One of the things I like about horseball is that there are so many ways to position the doll. Since the riders get into some extreme poses during the games, there is also almost no wrong way to use them. 
Sara has told me a couple of times now she loves this doll. I love Sara's photos of this doll!
She wanted to have an extra set of hands in black so the doll could also be used for cross country. 
     What a great idea! So now a one-hit wonder is more versatile. I imagine she could also be used for endurance riding. Though technically, tall boots are incorrect for endurance. 
     Thank you Sara for sharing your really fun horseball doll photos. I really love getting photos of the dolls in use, even if it is just a trial run or a fun photo shoot like this one.
      Remember my blog contest is still going on. Every comment on every post, old or new, counts as an entry. When I hit 1300 finished dolls the contest will be done. I have no idea when that will be, not this week though. Once I finish the 1300th doll I will randomly choose a winner and that person will receive a $100 gift certificate. It can be used on dolls or anything else I make. Please make sure if your blog name doesn't go to a profile with your name on it that you sign your real name. I can't give a prize if I don't know who you are. 


  1. Great versatile doll and I love her look of determination! You paint great faces along with detailed clothing and poseability. Also dig that her corner of siding looks like an indoor arena wall. ALL doll photos are so much fun and really bring our horses to life!

  2. I love a versatile doll. Can't wait to play with my Pony Clubber doll.

  3. Love this blog. So much creativity and so much positive energy.

  4. Awesome work! I didn't realize tall boots were incorrect for endurance - never thought about it!

  5. Anne Field = doll magician. I am so glad we decided on that special fabric. Don't be surprised if I ask for it again!

  6. Love the fabric fir the breeches. Your dolls are always awesome and amazing
    Jenny Arsuaga

  7. That last photo made me look twice! I certainly would love such photos from my customers.
