Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The Jennifer show doll spotting in bad performance

       As I said yesterday, I really get a kick out of seeing my dolls out at shows. Whether it is in person or in photos, I just love spotting dolls I have made being used. I love that I make what is basically a toy. Toys should be played with and people should have fun with them. We like to set up the perfect, or close to perfect, class where the doll has proper equitation and the horse is doing exactly what it should be. We aim for a snapshot of the "perfect" real horse show class. But the "Bad Performance" class at The Jennifer Show gave people an opportunity to be incredibly silly and play with their dolls, and horses, in a way that is not usual for model horse shows. But is actually very realistic at times. 
     The Bad Performance classes were what they sound like, horses performing, or behaving, badly. While I was not there I did enjoy doll spotting on Facebook. I really loved this side saddle gone wrong entry. I snagged photos from several different people and several different angles. First I saw this one from Fabian. I definitely could see the issues the side saddle rider was having...
Photo by Fabian Rodriguez 
    but it wasn't until I saw Amanda Brock's photo that I realized the rider on the Victrix has her cell phone out to take a photo or a video!
Photo by Amanda Brock
And then I saw Stephanie Blaylock's photo and realized that the bridle was falling off the side saddle horse! No wonder it was behaving so badly!
photo by Stephanie Blaylock
     I just really like this detail of the other rider taking a video. 
photo by Stephanie Blaylock
    It's not helpful to the rider in trouble but it is very realistic! Plus all of these photos, from many different people and different angles, make me think I should start taking pics of performance entries from different angles. It could be fun. 
photo by Stephanie Blaylock
    From this angle it looks like maybe the doll is just getting ready to make a call. Perhaps she is trying to help after all. 
photo by Andrea Brygidyr

     Bad performance also had horses refusing fences. I'm only about 90% sure I made this doll, but I think I saw it from a different angle (and couldn't remember whose photo it was to go back and ask if I could use it) and I am mostly sure it's one of mine. 
photo by Stephanie Blaylock
     Fence refusal is pretty much tailor made for bad performance. If I am not mistaken, this is Jackie Rossi's horse Polka Par T (boy I hope I spelled that right.) who has done a lot of really interesting performance classes! Jackie is definitely a pro at creative performance set-ups. *update*   That horse is actually the son of Polka Parr T. His name is Kobyashi Maru (“an unwinnable scenario”) and he is essentially a travel friendly clone. Polka is a BHR resin who has been repaired several times. This guy is a CM Bobbi Jo.
Photo by Jackie Rossi
     And they are really fun from every angle!
Photo by Jackie Rossi
      This poor lady is having trouble with what I think is a trail pattern. I can't see the documentation though. This class is so great because you don't necessarily have to get a doll to behave, it just needs to be on the horse! Though I did also see at least one dressage gone wrong entry with the doll laying on the ground. Bad Performance doesn't have a lot of rules. 
photo by Stephanie Blaylock
     This poor lady looks like she was caught by surprise when her horse leapt over a ground pole. Those poles can be really scary after all. 
Photo by Amanda Brock
      This horse is obviously "kid safe". Good thing she was wearing a helmet. 
photo by Stephanie Blaylock
     I know that this mutton busting entry is not a bad performance entry, but another way to use the doll (and this was what the doll was made for). I am hoping Elaine Lindelef got a bunch of pics of this entry so I can share more about it, and the doll build. 
Photo by Andrea Brygidyr
      The bad performance class was another reason I am a bit sad I didn't get to go to The Jennifer Show. I really do love these creative classes! But I had fun messaging back and forth with Fabian all weekend, stalking Facebook for photos of what everyone was setting up and trying to spot dolls. Even when I don't get to attend, I do love hobby events and getting to see what everyone is doing. 

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