Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Doll Work Finally

     Yesterday I talked about my silly imaginative play with Travis. Though really, it was mostly me trying to force some interaction and getting a little, but not a lot. Maybe we can do it again and get some more. You never can tell. While Travis was ignoring me I did manage to get some doll work done. Finally. I got started on a whole bunch of cross country vests. I am completely out of cross country kits and TRXC is coming.
     I got 7 vests traced out and cut out and then we went inside because it was a bit chilly. We had to go out and do a few errands as well. I was pleased that I had finally gotten at least a bit of something related to dolls done. It's been a bit. 
     After we got back from errands I cut out a whole bunch of foam pieces, binge watched Working Moms on Netflix and put these 7 vests together. Now I just need to remember I also have a light blue one on the table, and then I need to make a bunch of pinnies, watches and medbands. I wanted to make maybe one or two more vests sets as well. Black for sure and either white or gray. I just can't decide. 
        While I did finally manage to get some doll work done I am still nowhere near finishing the last 5 dolls I need to make to get to 1300. After I finish the cross country kits I want to make a bunch of chaps too. That might take up the rest of this week. After that I can make 4 random sales dolls for TRXC, and all of them might end up being casual English dolls so I can make fun breeches out of the new fabrics I got from Spoonflower. After that I will make a really cool doll and he himself will most likely take me several days. At this juncture I am guessing probably 2-3 more weeks until I hit 1300. Because I am a slacker. Because I forgot I needed to hit pause on doll making and restock my accessories. Because doll #1300 is complex. And I guess also because I have school 5 days a week so somewhat limited working time. But soonish I will hit that big milestone and then someone will win the $100 gift certificate! I am really excited for this!


  1. Black and grey on the XC stuff. :D

  2. I don't suppose anyone has commented on how amazing you are to keep on blogging like this... I love blogging but can't manage anything like your rate. Too much else is too fun. I like the rainbow vests (and am so glad black is not in that spectrum - ref. Stephen King).

  3. WAHOO! Come on #1300!

  4. Anyone who has kids,a full time job and has made 1300 dolls is NOT a slacker!!!!!
    Kristine Gardner
    Region X

  5. You inspire me to keep writing and Arting and taking photos! Love it all and 1300 is a feat!

  6. I agree with Kristine, you're not a slacker! I honestly don't know where you find the time and energy to do everything you do and then also blog about it. I'm pretty sure I have more time than you but I'm not even half as productive and my blog is dusty and full of cobwebs, oops! Anne, I admire you :*

  7. Ditto on the comments about blogging. Blogging is not easy. I love doing it, but I'd burn out pretty quickly if I tried to match pace with you. You're amazing! Always a good read, too.

  8. Love all the colours for the vests!
