Monday, October 28, 2019

Fall Pony Finals, English

      The next division is Fall Pony Finals was the English division. I started out the division with 3 cross country entries. So far, the largest class of the day. 
Izaak owned by Joan Fauteux

Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm

Properly Ridiculous owned by Morgan Hudon
      Next up was the Hunter/Jumper class. There were 4 entries in this class and it was incredibly hard to judge. All of the entries had miniscule flaws. So there was really no clear order to placing the class. I had to go back and forth for awhile until I figured out my placings. That was actually a fairly common theme for the day. 
Sentinel owned by Joan Fauteux

Levi Smartchick owned by Ronnie Bartholomew

Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
SRF Denali owned by Donna Gruhn
Nancy put this guy up in the games class. He was funny and cute. 
No Bones About It owned by Nancy Timm
     For real entries I had 4 again. And as with the Hunter/Jumper class it was not clear cut which way to place them. 
SRF Picture Perfect owned by Donna Gruhn
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
Levi Smartchick owned by Ronnie Bartholomew
Properly Ridiculous owned by Morgan Hudon
     Arena Trail was enormous with 5 entries. Did I mention they were, again, 5 excellent entries? 
William owned by Joan Fauteux
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
SRF Denali owned by Donna Gruhn
Levi Smartchick owned by Ronnie Bartholomew
SRF Picture Perfect owned by Donna Gruhn
     Pleasure was somewhat easier to place, but not much really. 
SRF Picture Perfect owned by Donna Gruhn
William owned by Joan Fauteux
Livi Smartchick owned by Ronnie Bartholomew
SRF Denali owned by Donna Gruhn
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
     The Other English class was cool as well. And there were plenty of dogs!
William owned by Joan Fauteux
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
SRF Picture Perfect owned by Donna Gruhn

    In the end Nancy Timm's horse Tuesday Afternoon got champion. Joan's horse William got reserve but the photo didn't load properly and I spent WAY too much time already fixing the order. Blogger doesn't like to add them in the order I put them in. 

Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
      I still have 3 more divisions from Fall Pony Finals but I figured I would share pics from one division a day and some updates on my TRXC madness. Because there is definitely madness over here. I got my endurance setup just about finished now. 

I still need to make a sponge on a string but other than that I think it's done. 

     I also got started on my Abby project. The first step was to cut the long floppy ears away from the head, heat them up and move them up. Abby was not a droopy eared kind of dog.
     I also realized I needed to just remake the ears, leaving a base to support them. So I trimmed some more. 

     And I gave her some new, proper Abby ears. And some forehead wrinkles because she needed them. I Also sculpted in some cheeks where there were holes from the dremel work. But my new tiny Abby is coming along. I am going to let her ears cure for awhile and then hopefully I can get her in primer and a black basecoat. It rained all day yesterday but later today it should be clear. Not warm, but not raining. 
    I also got the last western pleasure doll finished from the batch I was working on last week. And since I sold a cowboy at Fall Pony Finals I decided I would make a couple more. I got this guy finished so one to go. I also have another western pleasure doll in the works. I finished up a pair of ladies cutting chaps and I have another partly done. After I finish the dolls I am not sure what I will work on next. Or how much time I will have. Five days until TRXC. 


  1. That mini Abby is going to look so sweet when it's done!

  2. Thank you for taking all the pictures and posting them. I tried but failed to take pics of all my entries. May I capture and reprint them for my own use (scrapbook)? Also it's SRF (Scantic River Farm). I know my Rs look like As sometimes.

  3. All of the SAFs have been changed to SRF. No telling if I will remember that when I do the rest of the posts, lol! Feel free to take any photos you want, I got one of every single entry!
