Thursday, October 31, 2019

Halloween Band Bash

     Yesterday was very busy. Another day that I didn't have time to mess with putting photos from the day into the post with the pics from Fall Pony Finals. I promise, the rest of the divisions are coming. Anyway, my friend, Angelique, sent me a text saying to come see her in the morning because she had a present for me. Well that's intriguing! So I went to visit and she gave me this super cute unicorn headband. She told me it was to make my outsides match my insides, awww! Angelique is braver than I am and she wore hers all day. I said I didn't think I could do it. But today is Halloween and I will do it today. Maybe that will make it normal enough for me to wear it more often. And then it will obviously be worn at horse shows!
     I had to jump right into doll work when I got home. I had goals! I got the western pleasure doll and cowboy from the other day all finished up. I knew they would be easy to get done, since they were super insanely close to done. I also finished the lime green western pleasure doll. I was not as sure I could get her done. But I have the body prepped, the face painted, the clothes sewn and then I found the already made chaps. So I just had to put her together and decorate. I got that taken care of and now have 3 more dolls for my TRXC sale. Later on today I can tag and wrap them all. But I am very pleased with my progress.
      Very shortly after supper yesterday Ethan, Travis and I headed over to LHS for the Halloween Band Bash. Travis had a super good time! He was not particularly loud but you could tell he was having a good time. He was rocking and bouncing in his seat with a huge grin on his face! He does love Halloween music. I also spotted his friend, Vicky, from track. She is not going to a Ludlow school this year so she won't be on the track team in the Spring (which is super sad) but she lives in Ludlow so it's not totally surprising we saw her. She was thrilled to see Travis and he was really happy to see her as well. What a fun night!
      So now later today I need to get the dolls tagged and packed. I need to finish up a pair of cutting chaps I am working on and maybe make a couple more. I should start tacking up more horses so I don't have to do it all last minute. I am pretty sure I am showing an insane amount of horses at TRXC (5 of them). I have Enchanted Eve all tacked up but I'd like to get more of them ready. I should also get my tiny Abby finished and make a list of all the things I need to make sure to pack and bring this weekend. Two days until TRXC.


  1. I hope that you are showing the micro Arab costume at TRXC!

  2. I may be selling that tiny costume. But I might show it this weekend :)

  3. Happy Halloween and Good Luck this weekend! Can’t wait to see pics.
