Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Busy busy

     Yesterday was not a productive day for me. After I got home from school we all drove out to Valley Welding. It was a bit far, but that was the place Ethan found that would actually do the frame welding his van needs. So we went and I took a bit of a nap on the way home. I was so tired. I still am. I don't feel any better or any worse than I have for the past few days. Still tired, still a bit of a scratchy throat. Still ready for the weekend. 
Image result for valley welding
Not my photo

     After we got back from dropping off Ethan's van I gathered up the laundry because, of course, Tuesday is laundry day. I didn't get one speck of doll work done. I didn't make any new plans about my Black Friday sale. I did decide that I do want to do it. So now I need to plan it out and figure out if I want to do any drawings or contests during it. I would like to. I don't have any ideas of what to do for it. I am tired. 
     This may be the most boring post ever. I was going to skip posting all together but it just seemed wrong. I am hoping later, after we pick up Ethan's van (which is supposed to be ready) that I will have time and energy to sew the doll clothes that I need to sew. I am so unmotivated. But if I can get a little piece of things done each day, sooner or later I will finish. 
    Currently the plan for the Black Friday sale is I will go live at 3:00pm EST on November 29. I will show whatever I happen to have available at the time. It being my Black Friday sale, I will offer a discount. If you are watching the live I can answer any questions you have. People will also be able to watch the replay and claim from there, I will leave the video up through the weekend. 
    I think that's it for now. I don't feel like working, at school or on dolls, and I am tired. I need to work out a plan for Thanksgiving and details for my live sale. I need a nap. 

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