Saturday, November 2, 2019

Fall Pony Finals Fall Fun

     The last division of the day at Fall Pony Finals was the Fall Fun division. This was the collection of classes that had a loose description and you have a chance to be incredibly creative. I don't remember exactly what the card for the first class said...
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm

But I know this entry was a pony ride at a fair. 
SRF Misti owned by Donna Gruhn
Next up was the Halloween costume class. 
I do not remember who this belongs to or the name. I think there was no tag. 

Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm

Then a class called Cats, Bats and Pumpkins. This cat herding entry was awesome!
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm

SRF Picture Perfect owned by Donna Gruhn
The next class was team sports
Tuesday Afternoon, joined by Niangala Jack, owned by Nancy Timm

SRF Picture Perfect and friend, owned by Donna Gruhn
    With fall harvest scene being the last class of the day. 
SRF Dumpling owned by Donna Gruhn

Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
At the end of the division Donna Gruhn's SRF PIcture Perfect was reserve champion.
SRF Picture Perfect owned by Donna Gruhn
With Nancy Timm's Tuesday Afternoon getting Champion. 
Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm
     For the overall performance awards the reserve champion was Tuesday Afternoon owned by Nancy Timm.
     And SRF Picture Perfect, owned by Donna Gruhn, was champion.  The performance division was not huge, but the competition was fierce. At the end of the day I was tired and glad that I made it through. I love judging but judging is hard.

      So yesterday was insanely busy and I didn't have time to finish the chaps I wanted to finish. It's not the end of the world. I also didn't do a couple of other things I had planned on. I prepped and tacked and packed right up until it was time for bed. I hope I didn't forget anything. I am hope I am ready. Today is TRXC. 

1 comment:

  1. As someone looking at doing an entire show next week, I completely agree: Judging is fun but hard.
