Friday, November 15, 2019


       It's been an odd week. Tuesday we had a half day because of parent/teacher conferences. Well, the kids had a half day, staff was there all day. But paras don't have conferences so we escorted parents to the different classes. I got so many steps. At one point, during a lull, we were talking about wine. One of the other paras was saying it is right in front of the door at the Pop N Kork, something about cold brew infused. And I knew exactly what she was talking about. Apothic is my brand (obviously. It's covered with fancy A's) and I haven't had the Apothic Brew in a long time. So on the way to do laundry I stopped to get some. Worth it. 
It was also a fun mail day. I finally managed to get Maple Stirrup. 
     When I ordered Travis's school pictures I got the "text me the photo" option. So now I have his school picture that I can (legally) share all over the place. It's a really nice option. It amuses me that Travis seems to choose a different Johnny Cash T-shirt every year for his school photo. 
     I'm still working on saddlebags and I got a teal set and a black set done yesterday. I am thinking I will not take orders for these. It stresses me out to even think about taking orders for them. So I will have some available at the swap meet on Saturday and then probably I will list some for sale on my studio page on Facebook. Or maybe Instagram and Facebook. But I will not take orders for them. I am hoping to have about 8 or 9 sets ready for Saturday. I am out of black ultrasuede, which I need to line them, so I can't get more than that done. 
     It's weird to still not be working on dolls but I think I will get back into that next week. I have a couple that need to happen. After that I will probably make dolls at a much more casual rate than I have been for months now. I wonder what I will talk about then...


  1. So jealous you got a Maple Stirrup!

  2. Frequent reader, but it's wine that gets me to comment, go figure.

    Apothic Brew is probably my 2nd favorite. The Inferno is absolutely wonderful.
