Thursday, November 28, 2019


     I love Thanksgiving. I love making the big meal (which is weird since I don't really enjoy cooking) and I love seeing everyone enjoy the meal. I do also love not having to cook for a few days afterwards. It's like a bonus. I love being with my family, though I used to have big Thanksgivings with lots and lots of family, now the dinners are much smaller. I have also done Thanksgiving with friends. All of them are good. It's always about food and good company and for being thankful. 
    I am thankful for so many things. 
    I am incredibly thankful that we never have to know what it's like to be truly hungry. I am thankful for my amazing friends. Thankful I have a job that pays consistently, even if that job is sometimes super frustrating. I am thankful for good co-workers, who appreciate what I do for them and for our students. I am thankful for my wonderful children, who are two of the most amazing people on this planet. I am thankful for my husband, Ethan, who is just as silly and weird as I am and is pretty fantastic. I am thankful for my customers. I am thankful for my blog readers. While I know a lot of you just read and don't comment, I have heard enough similar comments to know that my posts are part of many people's morning reading. I am thankful that I get to work with some really great kids and help them learn. I'm also really thankful for heat, it's cold outside!
    So today we give thanks and eat a big meal and hopefully we all take a minute or two to think of all that we have and are grateful for.