Sunday, November 24, 2019

There is Never Enough Time

       I had plans to get a variety of things done yesterday. I ran out of time so I didn't get all of them done. That is the story of my life. Not constantly, just often. There are times when I am super productive and super motivated and I get tons of things done. Yesterday was not one of those days. 
      Yesterday Ethan and I had plans to go see our friend George. George has been basically family for a lot of years and he is moving to Vermont. When your people move far away you should make sure to have at least one visit while you're still close together. For years we would hang out later on, usually 6:00 or 6:30, until super later (or super early, depending on how you look at it). But these days both Ethan and I have to get up gross early for work and most days of the week one or the other of us has to get up for work the next day. Getting together earlier made more sense, so the plan was to go over for 3:30. That still left me plenty of time to get some errands and a doll done. 
      I worked out my extensive shopping list, which included more snacks for Travis for school and most of the things we need for Thanksgiving dinner. It was a scary list and was sure to be expensive. Plus I was going to get stuck in Walmart for longer than average. I hate that.
     I did have a couple of errands to get done before heading to Walmart. I had to go to the post office and cash a money order and buy stamps. Then I had to go to Big Y and redeem cans. This looked like it would be a quick trip. There was no one using the can return machines. How silly of me to think that meant the trip would be fast. I was barely started and the machine was full. So I had to go into the store and get someone to come empty it and then wait and wait and wait. I think in total my super fast trip to redeem cans was about a half hour, maybe more. 
     Eventually I got to Walmart and parked in the super full parking lot. Oh boy. Let me tell you, the Saturday before Thanksgiving is not a fun time to go to Walmart. Not that any time is a fun time to go to Walmart, but this was worse. And it reminds me that I should make every effort to not go to Walmart again until January. It is only going to get worse in there. 
     Anyway, I had my extensive list and I didn't memorize it and it was not in order by location, so sometimes I would have to go back to an area of the store I had already been to. The whole trip took longer than I planned, and started later than I planned. But I was finally done and headed home. 
     Ethan helped me bring everything in and then I had to put things away, wash the dishes that I left from the night before and take apart a rotisserie chicken. And that was everything I had time to do before we left for George's house. Well actually, we left a bit early so Ethan could do two quick errands on the way. But it ended up that I didn't have the time to finish the show jumping doll. Which bummed me out a bit because I would have loved to get him finished. Maybe I can swing that today. 
     It's raining today and gloomy and blah. I want to lay around and watch movies but I have things to do. Even if I don't do any doll work I should bring Travis out to buy some pants. I really don't want to go out in the rain though. I may decide to stay home today and just work on finishing a doll and starting another. While I do that I could lay around and watch movies. Then maybe tomorrow Travis and I can go out and look for pants. That might be a better option. And I might actually be able to talk myself into that.
    I have discovered if I don't have any photos to put into the blog that I feel like I have nothing to talk about. Which is not totally true. The only photo I have today is a quick picture of some of my new recipes I am trying out for Thanksgiving. And I had things to say. Sort of. I could easily skip a day when I think I don't have much to talk about, but at this point the blog has been posted daily for so long I feel like I need to keep it up. It's a tricky mindset. 
     So now it's time for your Sunday update of my Black Friday sale. This Friday, November 29th, I am going to go live on my Facebook studio page. It will be at 3:00pm EST. I am going to be showing dolls, saddle pads, horse boots, cross country kits, chaps, miniature food items and possibly some saddle bags. Everything will be discounted and if you are watching the live you can ask questions which I can answer right away. I will leave the video up through Cyber Monday for people to shop the replay. I am going to be offering small prizes and extra discounts for people who share the video while it is live, for purchases and for winning little games we will play if I can think of any that are not super boring. I'll continue to mention the sale every day on the blog and I will be posting photos and reminders on Instagram and my Facebook studio page. I plan on doing a test live as an advertisement just as soon as I can talk myself into it. I was going to do it the other day and I realized just how terrifying it is! But don't worry, no matter how scary it is I will do the live on Friday. I said I would, now I have no choice, lol!

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