Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Amy’s Saddle Seat

      I struggled a bit to get this saddle seat doll finished. She was not super complex, I've made plenty of saddle seat dolls, but I had trouble getting motivated to start working on her the other day. I watched some Youtube videos, had some coffee and a snack and then finally talked myself into getting into the work on her. Ths dressed, headless doll photo is going to make an interesting thumbnail photo. 
     Once I got into the work I didn't want to stop. Well, I wanted to stop before supper, because that is when I usually stop, but I also didn't want to stop, because she was close enough to done that I wanted to keep going. Finishing a doll always makes me feel very accomplished after all.  So after supper I kept going. I got her hat, glove and boots painted, her buttons on, her face painted and here I am putting on her earrings. 
     I worked much later than I usually do and I got the doll finished. If I get any decent weather maybe I will get an outdoor photo or two. I need to get to work on an Arabian rider to go along with this order. I have the basic idea and plans in my head, but so far I only have the body prepped. 
     After the Arabian rider I have another saddle seat doll and then I think I am ready to get started on random dolls for my live sale in March. I also still need to finish my color wheel of cross country vests and work on more chaps. There is always something in the works!

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