Sunday, January 12, 2020

Family Time

     Yesterday was an interesting day. I woke up and remembered I needed to go to the lab for the bloodwork to go along with my physical from last month. I got there 25 minutes before they opened and decided to go and pick up my coffee so I had it ready as soon as I was done. I had a Starbucks gift card from Christmas so I went and had a wonderful time figuring out what to get with the help of Victoria, who told me she was so glad she could make me happy. Their coffees are not huge, even the largest size, and they are very pricey, but it was delicious. AND sugar free! And free-free since I had a gift card. So yeah, they have a sugar free cinnamon dolce syrup that Victoria let me read the ingredients on. Good times. Plus she asked if there was an "e" on my name. The day started well. The phlebotomist also did an excellent job taking my blood and I don't even have a tiny bruise. Just a tiny dot where the needle went in. 
      I forgot to mention something else pretty exciting. I think I said a while back that the Colorstreet nail strips I ordered from Elecktra's aunt's online party went missing in the mail. Ethan and I joked that the mail carrier was wearing them. Anyway, a couple of days ago I had the idea that I would ask the consultant if the company every replaced missing products. I know that some companies do that. I hadn't thought to ask sooner because I KNEW the stuff had been shipped and lost in the mail, so it absolutely was not the company's fault. But I asked Danica, the consultant, and she emailed the company to ask. Yesterday I got a message back from her, with a copy of the email from the company. They said they had experienced a lot of product going missing around the holidays and they were sending out replacements right away! So if the original stuff ever shows up I just need to mark it return to sender. But this is amazing! At this point I figured I was just out the money and I would never get to try Colorstreet. I am still concerned it won't work because my glue has acetone in it and that wrecks regular nail polish. BUT I had the great idea to put a topcoat of the UV gel stuff that I use that doesn't get wrecked by the glue. This set is not Colorstreet, it is a type I found at Walmart the other day. I haven't tested it with the glue, but I think the UV topcoat plan is a good one. That would be awesome, since Colorstreet has some really cute designs and that would be a really fast and easy way to get fun manicures. In case anyone is interested, here is Danica's Colorstreet site.
     Anyway, in the afternoon I worked on touching up the prepping on some stablemates and Ethan and I went through our storage trailer a little bit and pulled out some more stuff we can live without. He found some stuff he hadn't been able to find for awhile, I now know where certain things are that I was missing, and the semi-continues stuff purging continues. I really do love downsizing recently. I want to do more. I feel another sort of major purge coming on. 
      So Ethan and I had a pretty nice time going through our stuff and then Gabby and Elecktra came over. We had a really fantastic time! The weather today was crazy unseasonably warm, being over 60 degrees at the warmest! We did have a lot of wind, but it was SO warm! Perfect time to do some grilling. So we had grilled chicken with a side of taco salad. 
     After that we played Sorry. Gabby apparently is super into board games and brought a whole ton of them. I could not remember ever having played, but maybe I did at some point and I just don't remember. IF I have played, it was a really long time ago. We had a great time playing and there was a lot of silliness. 
     So all in all it was a really good day. I got my lab work out of the way, had a really tasty latte that still fits in with my weird eating. Got to see my daughter and my niece. Definitely a good day. And good weather on top of it all. 

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