Friday, January 17, 2020

Sometimes I Wish I Was A Painter

     I would love to be a painter. I can actually paint, though not as well as I would like in any of the mediums I like to paint in. I have done flat work, and I am decent, though not awesome. I have painted model horses, and they are OK, the more recent minis are actually not horrible at all. I definitely like painting with makeup. That is the medium I have gotten the most practice with recently. And I promise, this post is not just about makeup. 
     On Wednesday I needed to get some doll clothes cut out and get some outfits sewn. But I got several new palettes in and I really wanted to play with them. I didn't have time to do proper makeup looks so I did some swatches on my hand. These really are some amazing pigments! I am very pleased with them and I am sure I can come up with a variety of cool looks with them. But I did need to actually get some work done...
     So I gathered the fabric I needed and got a couple of doll outfits cut out. I did not feel like dragging out the sewing machine so I decided the sewing could wait and I moved on to the never ending color wheel of cross country vests. 
     I have 14 vests in the works and I actually managed to get the velcro in all of them. It is a bit scary (or foolish?) to be using super glue while working on my bed. But I did it anyway. It all turned out just fine. 
    I am not a painter, but I do get to play with color. As often as I want and in many different ways. And when I am making a big batch of cross country vests I can do cool things like this color wheel. And it makes me happy. 

     Doll work has been a little bit slow lately, but it's still happening. I recently decided to try out noom for further weight loss. I have seen ads for it a whole bunch of times but I didn't really know what it was. Well, for the curious, it is a different approach to weight loss. It gets into your "why". What is your biggest weight loss hurdle. Why do you do the things you do that keeps the weight on or causes yo-yo dieting. There is a lot more to it than that, but it seems to be a very different approach. And at this point, I really just need a bit of something. Even if it's just the motivation of having some random stranger that sends me text messages (in the app) notes that say I can do this! And I get little bits of information to think about every day and a short to-do list. It's really easy to follow. So far, so good. I may or may not continue on after my trial period. I have 2 weeks to try it out for super super cheap and I can decide if I want to keep on with it, which of course costs money, but I have definitely spent way more money on way less important things than being healthy. So we'll see how it goes. So far I like it. 

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