Friday, January 10, 2020

Spanish Side Saddle

     I am exhausted this week, I am not sure why. Maybe because it's the first full week back to school since our long break. No matter the reason, I am tired. I am still managing to get some doll work done this week. I am sort of amazed at myself. Yesterday I got home and got out a pile of dolls to prep right away. I think I got 5 ready to dress. I like to get a bunch done all at once. Since I already had the sewing done I put on a show and got started on dressing Fabian's Spanish side saddle doll. 
     This style is a little bit tricky in 1:9 scale. One side of the skirt seems to be pulled around and buttoned on the back. I copied it the best I could but it was a bit tough. I needed it to look accurate and also needed the doll to be able to sit properly. I think I managed that. I am not 100% sure though just yet. 
      Even in the bad lighting I think the doll is looking pretty good. She is more done than not and as long as I manage to get some work done later today I should be able to finish her. She needs some buttons, her head and face, her hat and her hands put back on. I think she's coming along well. I won't know if she will work properly until she gets to Fabian. I can fake a side saddle sit without a saddle or with a western saddle, but will she ride properly and look correct? We just don't know. 

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