Friday, February 21, 2020

Dollwork Update and NaMoPaiMo Dolls

     I am continuing to make progress on dolls. Sometimes I am a bit surprised about it. The other day I started working on the chaps that I started at the laundromat. Once they are all finished (so close in this photo!) I will have 5 more pairs of mens and womens cutting chaps to add to my sales stuff for my live sale on March 28. I am not going to have a huge amount of finished items I don't think, but I should have at least a decent amount. I'm going to keep on working on things and just see how much I can get done. 
     I ran out of super glue (for putting in Velcro) so I had to run out to Joann's and get more of that and a couple of pieces of fabric. When I got back I got a few doll outfits cut out, 3 heads haired and I was so productive I forgot to take any photos! I also had enough time to sew the outfits. I made pretty great progress today. I want to try to finish up at least one doll tomorrow and I need to prep some more doll bodies. I am down to my last one. But progress is being made. If I can manage to get all 3 dolls done by the end of the week I will have 6 dolls finished up for my live sale. One of the dolls I am working on is for an order. I still have 5 weeks left until my sale. I am hoping for at least 12 dolls total (should be doable. I think) at least 10 sets of saddlebags, maybe also 10 pairs of chaps and I don't know what else I need to fit into my work rotation. I'll have to see. 
       I grabbed some more fun photos from Facebook of #teamminispaintingminis. NaMoPaiMo is still happening, but we are in the second half of the month. Right about now is when I am starting to get a bit nervous that my horse is not done. She is well started and I MAY be done with the body color, but I have not gotten a chance to look her over and see. I should do that now. Or tomorrow in the daylight. 
      It looks to me like Link is super engrossed in his book and not so interested in painting his horse. I kind of get where he is coming from. I have not actually picked up my horse in awhile. If the body color is finished I still have to seal it, then do the mane, tail and socks (so much white!) and I need to do the facial marking, eyes, hooves... I need to get to work! 
Photo by Jackie Rossi
      Jumping Jessica has finished prepping her horse and has put it up out of harm's way to dry. I will have to do the same with my Morgan Le Fay doll. She has fallen over several times now and I am really afraid she is going to break. She may need to be wrapped up and put away for now for safety. I am hoping that Jessica can find some painting time, I'd love to see how she paints her horse. 
Photo by Anne Van der Weel
         Jose got off to a rough start in NaMoPaiMo, but he has finished his horse! He had a bit of expert help but a lot of people have had mentors to give them tips, why not Jose? He did a great job I think! Jose, you are a winner!
Photo by Jennifer Buxton
       DJ was getting ready to work on his horse with a tattoo gun. It might not work out the way he wants it to, but at least he is working on his horse. Sort of. 
Photo by Lynne Penner
       I am still enjoying the minis painting minis photos that keep popping up in the Facebook feed. Most of my feed is NaMoPaiMo, which I love. I do love February for that reason. Though the constant updates are also reminding me that I need to finish my horse. I need to get back to painting! 
     On another note, the other day my blog hit 150,000 page views!

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