Sunday, February 23, 2020

Frantic Friday

         Yesterday I showed you the historical side saddle doll I made. She needed to have some ruffles added to her coat so I got that done. Those little ruffles took a surprisingly long time to make. But I think they look pretty nice. And it was just the start of all of the work I did on Friday. 
      I decided I really needed to get the whites and the mane and tail done on Ballycor. February is flying by and I need to get her finished. I'm starting to panic a little bit. I have a feeling when I go back to school I will be really exhausted and not be able to function after school. I really wanted to try to get her finished. But I also wanted to finish up the Western pleasure doll that I started. Travis also had to go to the dentist, so I really needed to get to work. I would put on a layer of white, set the horse aside to dry and do some work on the doll. It was working pretty well. 
      The Western doll is a somewhat basic doll, a lot of people are not into super blinged up dolls, so I like to do at least some that are a bit more plain. This fabric also makes a statement all on its own, so I just added a little bit of bling to the cuffs and collar. 
     And Ballycor is looking more and more like a horse! I am really impressed with what I have managed to do. I am still not anywhere near a great painter, but I am pretty proud of this horse. I really may need to try out some pastels soon. Or eyeshadow. I have plenty of it, and it's good stuff.
       So I got the doll and the work on the horse done in a fairly short amount of time, put some makeup on, jumped into the queue on a makeup website to grab a new palette at launch (got it) and then Travis and I left for the dentist. I would like to report that he was the most cooperative he has ever been. And Dr. Maureen was again impressed with his beautiful teeth. While Travis used the bathroom I chatted with the receptionists, who both told me they love my hair. Friday was turning out to be a really great day.
        We went to Aldi so I could try to find some Folio wraps because the website says they are available at most Aldi stores. Well, maybe not near me, since I have looked in more than one Aldi and never seen them. For the curious, they are wraps made out of cheese. Which means we can eat them (I have read the label online, we can eat them). But Aldi again didn't have them. I did find some low carb... candy bars. I know they say they are protein bar, but they are candy bars. And they are OK, not amazing. I did however get complimented by the cashier. She said she loved my hair and makeup. I was really having a very excellent day!
       Travis and I went to Walmart to grab a couple of things and stuff to make tacos and then came home and I started to make taco shells. Out of cheese. Because that is a thing. They are not super hard or super simple to make. They need to be a certain amount crisped or they will just melt when you shape them. They need to be placed over a suspended spoon to cool into the proper shape and I could not find a way to do that without grabbing the edge and pulling it off the spatula. So I touched a lot of really hot cheese. They are definitely interesting and sort of fun. I would probably eat them again. 
      So I got a ton of stuff done on Friday and was definitely feeling very accomplished. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I imagine at least the first couple of days might be a bit rough. It's been a really nice break though. Only 8 weeks until April vacation! And only 5 weeks to my live sale!

1 comment:

  1. I do like the lace on the front of that sidesaddle doll. What an idea. And I'm amazed you could make crisped-cheese shells at all.
