Monday, February 3, 2020

NaMoPaiMo Peer Pressure

     This year there are a lot of dolls "painting" in NaMoPaiMo. I mentioned that I loved that so many of the dolls I was seeing were dolls that I made. Then the peer pressure started. Jennifer asked where my doll was. I responded that the dolls were in the closet but I was feeling some peer pressure. It may sound simple to get stuff out of the closet, but it's not. Ethan has his T-shirt press in front of the closet and he likes to move that himself. Jennifer told me I should free the dolls! And then...
      I looked through my dolls and really, Little Elecktra was the way to go. Not only is she only the doll I have that does not have a permanent hat (and is wearing regular clothes) but she is Elecktra. So that is more fun. Then came the tough part. Elecktra had to decide what to paint. So she pulled out the awesome doll chair that I recently got (made by Priam Costumes) and a whole bunch of prepped minis and started thinking. 
       She moved the horses around, picked each one up and thought about it and waited for one to speak to her. Choosing really is hard!
     Eventually Little Elecktra settled on this Maggie Bennett Bangles. Bangles said she wanted to be a golden chestnut. I think that is a good plan. 
      She got to work on the base coat. Little Elecktra doesn't know any more than I do how to actually paint a golden chestnut. Though when I painted Hugh last year I felt like his golden palomino color could have been a golden chestnut if he had a darker mane and tail. So that was where Little Elecktra started. In the same place I would start a palomino. 
      While I was struggling to be patient waiting for the base coat on Ballycor to dry, Little Elecktra made a lot of progress on Bangles. 
      For her first time I think she is doing a really great job! She decided a wet-on-wet blend would work the best. So far so good. 
     I have spent a lot of time looking at the photos of dolls painting minis, or dolls taking selfies with their minis, the antics of Jose and so on. This is a lot of fun. I need to be thinking about painting my Ballycor. But what I really want to do is continue to cave to peer pressure and play with dolls.

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