Sunday, February 16, 2020

Playing With Dolls Part 3

     The #teamminispaintingminis in the NaMoPaiMo group is really taking off. A lot of people have been posting photos of their dolls, and other minis, painting their models. Some people have been doing so much more. This post is about a couple of series of photos that were recently posted, that I absolutely love!
       This first set of photos is done by Jackie Rossi, of her Link doll. Link has been struggling to get into his project horse He has been out riding, he has been admiring flowers and he has been feeling frustrated. Poor Link. Then he got in the mail a miniature copy of Lesli Kathman's book Equine Tapestry. He was instantly inspired to get down to work. 
photo by Jackie Rossie
      Link started studying the book and reading. 
photo by Jackie Rossie
He was really thankful for his new book. 
photo by Jackie Rossie
      Link started to compare the pictures in the book to photos he has taken on his travels. 
photo by Jackie Rossie
And now he has questions. I hope he finds the answers. 
photo by Jackie Rossie
     The next batch of photos was from Gretchen Glover. These really are amazing! She wrote: 

"Brody is a first time pony painter. He has some experience handling graffiti clean-up and informational signage, but little practical experience for this. I told him not to worry about it, put whatever colors he wanted on his horse since I already have two realistic cobs. He made good progress today despite Quint showing up. That man has a story for everything when he has a little home brew in him."

      I love the realism in these photos! I love the tiny (working!) desk lamp!
Gretchen Glover
     Every angle of these photos is full of realism. I love the table in this one, and all the tiny paintbrushes. 
Gretchen Glover

     In this one, Brody looks like he is trying very hard to focus on his model, while Quint is rambling on about something. 
Gretchen Glover

Gretchen Glover
Gretchen Glover

Gretchen Glover

      #teamminispaintingminis might be a fad for 2020 or it may morphe into another permanent part of NaMoPaiMo, we just don't know yet! But for now I am really enjoying seeing all of the creativity of everyone playing with their dolls.