Friday, February 14, 2020

Sometimes My Plans Work Out

      I have been struggling to do things lately. I just don't much want to do things a lot of the time. Or I am working super slowly. Winter is hard. It is one day closer to Spring, but it's not coming fast enough. The other day though I had some bright spots. Myla Pearce made a bunch of these ice resin medallions in a variety of colors. She didn't have a pink one so I asked if she was planning on pink. And she made me this one. And I love it! It now hangs out on the window in my kitchen. It looks fantastic and it makes me happy. 
     In other good news, I managed to stick to a plan the other day. My plan was to come home and have some coffee so I would not feel compelled to nap. Then I would get to work and see if I could finish the other dolls I was working on. Because I do still make dolls. I got boots on the dolls, waistbands, cuffs and collars and I was feeling better about things. I wasn't tired and I didn't feel like the work was weighing me down. Progress.
     I even managed to finish both of the dolls! I thought I was out of helmets, but I dug through the basket and found one, still in the mold. Now the casual English doll is finished and the casual western doll is finished. It felt really good to finish up these dolls. I needed that. 
     I also needed to take some more fun photos with my pink chair, made by Priam Costumes. I love this doll sized chair and will likely continue to put it in plenty of doll photos. And sooner or later I will figure out how to get it into a live show scene. That will take a bit of thinking about.
     So doll work is happening, thinking about more painting for NaMoPaiMo is happening, trying to plan in finishing small doll and horse items is also happening. Things are happening. Sometimes slowly and sometimes efficiently. It's almost February vacation and I am hoping I will have time and energy to get a whole lot of stuff finished. That would be wonderful.

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