Friday, March 27, 2020

Dolls, Wine, and Backwards Number

     Do you know why there are sometimes very random photos in my blog? It's because I feel that the blog needs photos. Not that my cell phone photos are somehow great or magical, but pictures are fun. At least they are to me. And when I am "behind" on blogs (as in, I don't already have several scheduled, haven't remembered to take photos of my work, or haven't done any work, etc) I start really thinking about what I can talk about. I want things to be interesting, or at least not insanely boring. The other day I could have done with a bit more boring. It snowed. And then we got freezing rain on top of it. I thought to take a photo of the view out my window after the rain was going on for awhile. We did not get a ton of snow, and it all melted the next day (good!) but it made everything wet and sloppy again. Which makes it harder to want to go outside. We need to go outside. Travis and I need to do sprints in the yard again. Maybe next week...
     I was looking through my photos and I didn't see a picture of this doll. I might have one and maybe I just happened to miss it, but just in case, I took another. He will be available on Saturday at my live sale. 
     And this lady that got finished the other day will be available as well. I'm still working away at dolls and other live sale prep. I watched a couple of episodes of House after I printed out backwards numbers and got them on tags for dolls, on saddlebags, saddle pads, and cross country kits. I somehow forgot I had chaps so I still need to do the backwards tags on those. Why do I keep talking about backwards tags (which are backwards numbers)? It's because when you flip the camera to go live on Facebook, it flips the image. Anything written on your shirt is backwards (if you want to see, go check out my Mares In Black T-shirt from my Black Friday Live sale. The video is still posted on my Facebook studio page) and the numbers are backwards. So for everything to read properly on camera, I make numbers that are backwards to me so they will read properly to all of you. 
      In other news, this week I have been enjoying some horse themed wine. I was first introduced to this one several years ago at a friend's wedding and was thrilled when I could find it locally. I have only had a glass at a time so the bottle is lasting several days. It's not as good as the Apothic red, but it's pretty good. And has horses on it. They also have it at one of the local Walmarts. So when I have to go out for supplies (not yet) I can go and get it there where they have self checkouts and I can stay a proper social distance from everyone and get what I need. For now though I need nothing, so I will stay home.
      Homeschool is still going well. I am still really happy with the purchase of the small (safer) scissors. One of the best Amazon orders ever. This activity was reading the problem to figure out how much money was needed for each animal to make their purchase. Travis needed to cut out the bills and glue them where they belonged. He did an excellent job. All while wearing my Harley Quinn T-shirt. I must have accidentally put it in his pile. And then he stole it, lol!
      So dolls have been happening, though I think I am officially done making any for the sale. Number are happening, planning has been happening. I have some prize gathering to get to, because prizes are important! I may have some items for sale that I did not make. I have some things that I offered at the swap meet (why does that swap meet seem like forever ago?) and if I get motivated enough to dig things out I may offer some items at a super bargain. 
     Live sale details again. Most items offered will be Field of Dolls Studio items. The majority of things will be retail but I will have some discounted items. I may offer some other items as well, depending on time and motivation to find them. I will have prizes for sharing the live video as well as for trivia. The sale is this coming Saturday, March 28th at 2:00pm EST on my Studio Facebook page; Field of Dolls Studio- Custom Dolls by Anne Field. I hope to "see" you there!

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