Wednesday, March 25, 2020

NaMoPaiMo Minis Painting Minis Prizes

     The painting part of NaMoPaiMo may be over, but the fun certainly is not! A really fun part of NaMoPaiMo is seeing what people get for prizes. Though the prizes are not a guarantee, just a bonus. This year, the minis that painted also were eligible for prizes of their own. I grabbed a handful of photos to share to keep the NaMoPaiMo fun going!
     First up, we have action Stan. I enjoyed Action Stan's pictures all throughout NaMoPaiMo. When Action Stan received his NaMoPaiMo prize package, he was thrilled! He got some new horses to work on, and a few other fun things.
photo by Allison Pareis
      Those are some really great looking prizes!
photo by Allison Pareis
I love the added detail of the huge smile in this one!
photo by Allison Pareis
Action Stan also got a mini medallion. What an amazing prize!
photo by Allison Pareis
       I really love the minis painting minis photos. I think I should get some more of Little Elecktra painting. Maybe she can try out my new earth pigments. 
photo by Allison Pareis
     DJ and Johnny received a really cool box of prizes for the NaMoPaiMo minis painting minis participants. The super cool horse shelves were from Bobbie Allen of Horse Tender Studio. 10 lucky minis will receive a set of these cool horse shelves!
photo by Lynne Penner
        DJ, Johnny and Spock spent some time overseeing Lynne filling out certificates to go with minis painting minis prizes. If they would help, I bet the work would go faster! I have never had any luck getting help from a mini though.
photo by Lynne Penner
      I wish I had been able to get more photos of Little Elecktra painting. But setting up the pics takes a lot of time and February is not a very motivated month for me in general. Maybe soon I will set up some more photos, just because they are fun. And I still need to consider setting up the elegant doll tea party. I also have my picnic at the horse show stuff, there are a lot of shenanigans I could get up to with that!

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