Wednesday, March 18, 2020

School Friends

        The hardest part of not going to work is missing the opportunity to see school friends. For the most part, these are people I get to see every day, even if it's just for a few minutes here and there. These are the people who (mostly) really understand the frustrations of my often incredibly boring job. They also understand, sometimes more than most, how proud I am of the kids that really no longer need me. Or when the kids pick up, and retain, a basic math for personal finance skill. They really understand how awe inspiring it is when I said one of my kids asked me how my day was/how I'm doing/ how my weekend was. And I truly love a lot of these people. They are wonderful and supportive. Because even though I met them at school, they really are my good friends.
      Angelique and I hang out every morning. Last year we both had first period free and this year we miss out on that because I have a class. But she is amazing and gave me my unicorn horn. People also seem to sometimes think we are interchangable. We look nothing alike, but both have multicolored hair. That MUST make us the same person. Clearly.
     Adelei and I became friends in Joanne Fabrics last year when I ran into her in the paint aisle. She is the nutrition teacher and one of my favorite people! We share a lot of low carb food finds and recipes and complain about the struggles of trying to find things to eat when you are out and about. 
     Nicole has been my friend from the start. She helped me get my job and helped me learn how to do it. Paras aren't trained, we are just sort of expected to figure it out. In some ways that makes sense since every kid is different and there are any number of ways to help them. I worked closely with Nicole for my first two years (we were in the same class for most of the day) and then they took me away from her. This year we get to have lunch together every day at least. There are other people in our regular lunch group, but I don't have pictures with them. And they are not as special to me as Nicole.
     Brandi is a new friend this year as well. Last year at the staff holiday party she asked my name, since we had always said hi to each other in the hallways but didn't know each other's name. And after that she always greeted me by name. She is the AP Calc teacher, so the last adult I work with in the school day. And she is amazing. She cares deeply for her students, even when they don't seem to care enough about themselves. She stays after almost every day, in case anyone needs help, and reminds them all the time to ask for help if they need it. She is super smart and also a talented artist. I took this photo of us when we went to a comedy show. The tables were all covered with white paper and she said she needed a pen. She quickly sketched out a very large and very nice tree. She has a variety of freehand designs on her wall that she drew at staff meetings. Brandi brings art and math together as much as she can. Plus she is interesting and fun to be around. 
      So while the schools are closed I don't get to see my school friends. It is similar to a school vacation but also different. Before a vacation, short of long, we have a chance to say goodbye to our friends. I know that sounds dramatic and I don't mean it that way. But we get to see our good friends for an extra few minutes and have a last chat. Or we can make plans to see them over break. 
      I have plenty to do to stay busy while I am home. I have the usual bits of housework, meals and doll work. I am throwing in some homeschooling for Travis because it's a good idea. I may also be able to work through the list of things I want to read and watch, now that I have some extra time. But I am going to miss seeing my school friends every day!

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