Thursday, March 5, 2020

Selfies With Nudies (NaMoPaiMo)

         Every year, at the beginning of NaMoPaiMo, we are asked to post a selfie with our nudie. Which means of course a picture of ourselves with our unpainted model. In 2017 I didn't even finish prepping my model, so I didn't participate in the painting part of NaMoPaiMo. I definitely enjoy the event more when I am painting along with everyone else. 
         2018 was the first year I painted. My chosen model was a Chips mule. I had her prepped barely on time, but she was ready. My hair was super faded, though I added more color shortly after this photo. I had not yet discovered Overtone conditioner I don't think.
      2019 my chosen model was a Maggie Bennett micro mini, Hugh. My hair was colorful, I knew about Overtone, and I didn't prep ahead of time. Again. My model was smaller than anything I had ever painted, and more expensive than anything I had painted. 2019 was the year I learned NO FEAR painting. Nothing scared me and I tried a lot of new things. Not all of them worked, but that was OK. 
     This year my chosen model was my Ballycor resin that my friend Marisa gave me. I prepped her far ahead of time and I was ready for NaMoPaiMo. I had a plan, I had supplies... except I didn't have brushes! I had been painting minis and micros so I pretty much only had tiny brushes. So I picked up some new brushes and was ready to paint. I was nervous about the size of the model, since I had not successfully painted a traditional scale horse that I didn't then want to hide in a dark place. My hair is more colorful than it has ever been and I think the multiple colors looks way better on me than just straight pink. I also think I may be getting younger every year...
     I really love the idea of people sending in a selfie with their unpainted model. NaMoPaiMo is a community building event and being able to see a lot of the people you are painting "with" is super fun. I know not everyone is comfortable with photos of themselves, but I love that so many people participate in this part of NaMoPaiMo. Really, I love all of the things that bring us together during this amazing event, and often, all through the rest of the year. 

1 comment:

  1. You certainly show less wrinkles. I'm going to attribute this to painting success--! Yes, the first year I didn't participate directly, but I did indirectly. And while I hate taking a selfie, I discovered that a photo by one's s.o. would do the job perfectly well.
